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Tragic DJ with cancer dies after being infected with coronavirus and telling doctor to “ save someone’s life ”


Brave DJ who fought leukemia for two years died tragic after contract Coronavirus A few days after her 30th birthday, she told her doctor to “save the lives of others.”

Liam Downing, 30, has received the devastating news that he was infected with the killer virus just three days after he was hospitalized for suspected infection on March 16.

He was also said that there was “no more” that doctors could do to cure his cancer he had been fighting for two years.

Liam Downing told the doctor to save someone

Disc Jockey Liam didn’t want to be nervous, so she bravely decided not to be hospitalized and take any medicine. NHS.

He told his sister Laura, “You should save the lives of others.”

Despite not knowing how far he was, his family “hoped and prayed” that Liam would live to celebrate his 30th birthday on March 23.

Laura hoped he was still a few months and talked about how Liam made the bucket list.

Liam was last seen off, had a birthday surrounded by her family, and the entire family was given special permission to visit the room.

They placed balloons and flags around the wall, and despite suffering from bouts of pain and coughing, there was still a “big boom smile.”

Tragically, Liam lost the fight against leukemia and Covid-19 on a Friday afternoon.

His sorrowful sister, Laura, paid tribute to her “brave brother with a heartfelt message.”

She said she took care of her memories “forever”.

Laura from Leeds says on social media: “He has been fighting leukemia for nearly two years, and last week it was said that he could do nothing more to help him.

“Since Liam expected at least a few months, he began to create a bucket list of what he wanted to do before he died.

“Then saying that he had the coronavirus was just catastrophic.

“Since Liam expected at least a few months, he began to create a bucket list of what he wanted to do before he died.

“I’m not sure if he will have his 30th birthday.

“I am incredibly proud of you.

“You are out of pain now.

“I’m glad we enjoyed a lot of laughs together as we grew older.

“I value those memories forever. Renee and Emily will always know how gentle you were! What kind of legend are you?”

She also added: “I love you forever and always.

“Sleep soundly, spread your wings. You fly my mate high.”

After Liam’s death, donations raised over £ 1500.

On the GofundMe page, his sister stated that the funds raised for the £ 8000 target would be used for parcels, tombstones, and flowers.

She said in an inspiring gesture that if money had been left, she would be donated to a hospital that had been looking after Liam for the past two years.

She said: “I set this page and give Liam the best launch we can and he deserves all of us to visit him and spend his time talking to him Try to give him a beautiful final resting place.

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Scottish Coronavirus

“The money collected will be spent on Liam’s: plots, tombstones, flowers.

“I want to allow the rest of the money to send my parents a little night away because they are the least worthy after the last few years I spent as a family.

“And if we’re lucky enough, we want to donate to the hospital that has been treating Liam for the past two years.”


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