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Dr. Fouch says this is the most dangerous place you can go as the number of cases of coronavirus soars – BGR


  • As the Northern Hemisphere enters winter, the coronavirus is still spreading at an alarming rate.
  • Dr. Anthony Fauci reminded people in a new interview with the same fundamentals He has been advocating for months When it comes to reducing the spread of COVID-19, one particular focus is on it.
  • As temperatures cool, Fouch warns that indoor activities that promote the spread of the virus should continue to be avoided compared to the outdoor environment.

The new coronavirus continues to spread at an alarming rate, and things aren’t looking good for the winter months. Influenza outbreaks are seasonal, but COVID-19 spreads in cold weather as quickly as in warm weather. As a result, health officials are now worried about the convergence of coronavirus and flu in the coming months. Dr. Anthony Fauci has long advocated the need to reduce the number of new infections daily before autumn and winter. There is no 100% effective way to prevent COVID-19, but there are many public health measures that can work in our favor. In a new interview, the country’s top infectious disease specialists repeated public health measures that could reduce infections, highlighting the most dangerous places you can go now when cold weather begins.

In an interview with JAMA’s Howard C. Boschner, Fauci mentioned the same “four or five” that could mitigate risk. via Eat this.. Anyone who’s heard Fouch talk about reducing spreads shouldn’t be surprised to hear that he touched on the same things he’s been making all summer. But what has changed is the way he specifically mentioned one thing: indoor gatherings.

“Looking at some of the super-diffusive ones that occurred, almost all of them occurred in indoor situations,” Fauci said. “When we reach autumn and winter, due to the climatic nature of most parts of the country (most parts of the country, not all parts), we will have to do a lot indoors. necessity.”

Avoiding being indoors around others is one of his “four or five” basics. However, it is even more important to respect this rule during the winter months when cold weather tends to drive people indoors. The virus spreads through saliva droplets and aerosols, and in indoor environments it supports both by helping them stay in the air for extended periods of time.

“One of the things we don’t want to scare the masses. When we hear aerosols, they think it’s in the air,” Forch said, pointing out that the virus also travels in the outside air. However, the virus “may hang a little longer before it actually dissipates” indoors. “That’s why when we look at the recommendations we make, we try to do things outdoors in preference to indoors.” In that case, things are very easily dispersed and diluted, “he said.

In addition to avoiding indoor activities, Fouch continues to encourage people to wear masks, practice social distance, avoid crowds, and continue to wash their hands frequently.

Of course, some indoor activities are completely unavoidable. You will still have to buy food and other necessities, so trips to grocery stores and other places will continue to occur during the winter. However, Fauci’s comments refer to other types of indoor activities that can be avoided as the virus rampages, such as going to restaurants and bars, attending parties, and so on. These are the types of indoor activities that have unwanted side effects with respect to other precautions. Compared to grocery stores, you are less likely to wear a mask or use social distance in a restaurant or bar. That’s why indoor spaces continue to be the most dangerous place when it comes to getting infected with the new coronavirus.

Chris Smith began writing about gadgets as a hobby, and before he knew it he shared his views on the technical stuff with readers around the world. Whenever he doesn’t write about gadgets, he tries desperately, but miserably fails to get away from them. But that’s not necessarily a bad thing.


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