Wisconsin was the first state to vote directly after a stay-at-home order was issued to limit the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19), the virus that causes coronavirus disease. .. The state-wide primary elections on April 7, 2020 took place within two weeks of the state-wide “Saferat Home” order * coming into effect on March 25.
On March 3, 2020, the CDC released interim guidance to prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2 at polling sites.[1] Mitigation and additional measures in line with the CDC guidance were implemented in Milwaukee City (Milwaukee County) to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection at face-to-face polling stations (Supplementary Table, https://stacks.cdc.gov/view/cdc/90768). Nearly 500 pollsters, election inspectors, and chief inspectors, as well as Milwaukee City Health Department officials and the Wisconsin State Guard to support mitigation efforts at each of the five Milwaukee polling stations and central counting locations. Was assigned to. Mitigation measures implemented at the direction of the City Health Department complemented public messaging campaigns to encourage absentee ballots. According to the Milwaukee Election Commission, comparing the number of voters in the spring of 2016 with the number of voters in the spring of 2020, the percentage of absentee voters increased from 4.1% (6,874) to about 15 times. 68.0% of voters (64,750); early voters (either directly or on the porch) [i.e., voting while remaining in their vehicle or at the voting place entrance]) It increased by 160% from 4.7% (7,949) to 12.2% (11,612). The percentage of people who voted directly on Election Day decreased by 78% from 91.2% (153,458) to 19.8% (18,806).† Local news media reported a long wait at the Milwaukee polling place on Election Day.§ Overall, the number of people who voted decreased by 43% from 168,281 to 95,168, and the number of polling stations decreased from 181 to 5.
Using laboratory-identified COVID-19 cases and epidemiological data, the first case was confirmed in Milwaukee from March 13 to May 5, that is, SARS-CoV-2 infection up to 4 weeks after the election. Characterized. Case count, hospitalization, and exposure data (including voting methods confirmed using a standardized voting module) were obtained from the Wisconsin Electronic Disease Monitoring System (WEDSS).¶ Cases were reported on the date of sampling or, if not available, on the reporting date. Death data was obtained from a Milwaukee County medical inspector.
An estimated 95% of people with COVID-19 develop symptoms within 2-14 days after exposure.[2–4] Therefore, people infected in polls are expected to develop symptoms from April 9th to 21st. Of the 2,789 COVID-19 cases, 642 related hospitalizations, and 137 COVID-19-related deaths reported from 13 March to 5 May, 572 (21%) had this expected incubation period. Of the 693 (28%) reported during the 13 days prior to this incubation period (ie, March 27 to April 8) (ie, April 9-21) (figure). Compared to the case. Of the 572 cases reported on April 9-21, 316 (55.2%) did not report voting status and 219 (38.3%) did not vote. 37 (6.5%) reported voting. Of the 37 COVID-19 patients who voted, 17 (45.9%) reported absentee ballots, 14 (37.8%) voted directly, and 6 (16.2%) voted on the porch. did. Twenty-four deaths were reported on April 17-26 (estimated interquartile range from onset to death of infected people on Election Day) and reported in the last 10 days (April 7-16) 36 33% less than human deaths. ) (Figure).[5] After peaking in hospitalization in the last week of March, hospitalization gradually declined.
Number of COVID-19 Cases Reported, Hospitalization, and Related Deaths — Milwaukee, Wisconsin, March 13-5, 2020 *
Abbreviation: COVID-19 = Coronavirus disease 2019.
* Based on available evidence, the estimated incubation period (2-14 days) was April 9-21 for those exposed to SARS-CoV-2 on election day. The estimated median interval from onset to death was estimated to be 10 days (corresponding to April 21).
These data provide an initial assessment of the potential impact of public health efforts to mitigate COVID-19 infection during elections. No apparent increase in incidents, hospitalizations or deaths after the election, suggesting the potential benefits of mitigation strategies aimed at limiting direct voting and ensuring the safety of polling stations held on election day. doing. Epidemiological trends may also have been affected by the relatively low turnout overall compared to spring 2016.
These data provide CDC’s interim guidance to ensure various voting options, encourage physical distance, personal preventive practices, and adopt environmental cleaning and disinfection, but COVID-19 infection during elections. It provides preliminary evidence that it reduces risk.[1] Further risk reductions can be achieved by fully implementing other options, such as CDC provisional guidance recommending extended voting periods and other options such as increasing the number of polling stations and reducing the number of voters gathering indoors at polling stations. I will.