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Face masks are unlikely to cause overexposure to CO2, even in patients with lung disease

Face masks are unlikely to cause overexposure to CO2, even in patients with lung disease
Face masks are unlikely to cause overexposure to CO2, even in patients with lung disease


Face masks are unlikely to cause overexposure to CO2, even in patients with lung disease

Face masks do not cause carbon dioxide poisoning. Face masks are the key to preventing COVID-19 infection. Credit: ATS

The new findings contradict the statement linking face mask wear to carbon dioxide poisoning from CO capture.2.. During the COVID-19 pandemic, wearing face masks has become a very political issue, and some mistakenly argue that wearing face masks can endanger people’s health.Published in Annual Report of the American Thoracic Society The other cases are shown.

In “The Effect of Face Masks on Gas Exchange in Healthy People and COPD Patients,” Dr. Michael Campos and co-authors That is, changes in oxygen or carbon dioxide levels in healthy individuals and veterans. Or COPD before and during use .. Patients with COPD, according to the ATS Patient Education Fact Sheet on the disease, “need to have difficulty breathing and can cause shortness of breath and tiredness.”

Dr. Campos of the Department of Veterinary, Allergic, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine at the Department of Veterans Affairs, Miami and the University of Miami said:

Regarding the sensations of shortness of breath that some healthy people may experience, Dr. Campos explained: Use a mask, especially if you need higher ventilation (during exercise). “

For example, you may feel short of breath when walking vigorously on a slope. If the mask is too tight, you may feel short of breath. The solution is to simply slow down or remove the mask if you are at a safe distance from others.

Dr. Campos emphasized the importance of wearing a face mask to prevent COVID-19 infection. If a surgical mask is not available, CDC recommends at least two layers of cloth mask. Avoid infection, especially in patients with lung disease It has been proven to reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection, along with hand washing and social distance.

The motivation for the study was the report of a hearing in Florida where individuals made inflammatory comments: wearing a mask could endanger life and there was no data on the effects of surgical masks on gas exchange. Later.

“Our observations acknowledge that sample size can be limited, but our population is associated with gas exchange physiology in everyday situations (long rests, short walks). It provides a clear signal about the zero effect of the surgical mask on change, “the author writes. “It is important to inform the public that the discomfort associated with the use of masks should not lead to unfounded safety concerns. This undermines the application of practices that have been proven to improve public health. Because there is a possibility. “

“People should not believe it I’ll kill you, “added Dr. Campos.

Does the face mask protect me or only the people around me?

Quote: Https: // to CO2 even in patients with lung disease (October 2, 2020) acquired on October 2, 2020 Face masks less likely to cause overexposure-patients-lung.html

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