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The report warns that the Covid-19 vaccine alone cannot control the spread of the virus-world news


Recent studies warn that the success of the Covid-19 vaccine is not sufficient to prevent the spread of the coronavirus and that many challenges must be overcome for a successful vaccination program.

A report from the Royal Society’s DELVE (Virus Epidemic Data Assessment and Learning) initiative suggests that there are serious challenges in vaccine development, evaluation, manufacturing, and distribution.

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Why have scientists not yet developed a vaccine?

Successful vaccines stimulate the immune response, rule out the possibility of transmission of the infection, and reduce the risk and severity of the disease. Also, people do not need to be re-vaccinated frequently because long-term protection is guaranteed.

Currently, scientists are unable to put their finger on the immune response of SARS-CoV-2 infection. They don’t even know if the infection has an immune response. Antibodies and T cells have been detected in people who have recovered from the virus, but it is unclear if they will protect them from reinfection.

Evaluation of future vaccine candidates

Over 200 SARS-CoV-2 vaccine candidates are currently under development, with only a handful in the late stages of clinical trials. Some late-stage candidates, such as the Oxford / AstraZeneca candidate, use “viral vectors.” Part of the SARS-CoV-2 gene code has been inserted into another harmless virus through which the antibody passes. Will be generated.

Others, such as Modana, use alternative designs in which the genetic code of the virus is produced as an RNA vaccine, which also leads to the production of viral proteins when they enter cells, the report said.

Even if the development of these candidates is accelerated, the vaccine will fail many times on later levels of trails due to its low immunogenicity, he added.

Challenges in future vaccine production

Once vaccines are available, vaccination strategy selection should be phased out according to production capacity.

The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) estimates that in 2021, it will be possible to receive 2-4 billion doses worldwide annually without interrupting existing vaccine supplies, many in India and China. doing.

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He added that if immunity is short-lived and an annual vaccine booster is needed, the ability to expand coverage while preserving the immunity of existing recipients is needed.

Vaccine distribution challenges

The vaccine supply chain consists of a series of transportation and storage steps.

The pandemic itself can disrupt the procurement of raw materials used in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals and the distribution of final products.

Supply chains are disrupted when blockades close borders, cause illness in personnel, compete for supply shortages in countries, and overwhelm the healthcare system. To facilitate transport, the report states that manufacturers are working to improve the thermostability of future vaccines to reduce the need for distribution at very low temperatures.

He added that additional medical staff needs to be trained to quickly immunize the population.


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