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Breast Cancer Journey in COVID-19


In a sense, the arrival of a pandemic “feels as heavy as the first cancer diagnosis, and the whole process has become like a roller coaster,” Brian said.

A 37-year-old woman was diagnosed with triple-negative breast cancer in early October last year after noticing a lump in the size of frozen peas.

Seanell Bryant and her husband Luke, 7-year-old son Smith, and 5-year-old daughter Vogue.

Seanell Bryant and her husband Luke, 7-year-old son Smith, and 5-year-old daughter Vogue.

In a sense, she wasn’t completely shocked by her diagnosis.

“My mother died of stomach cancer at the age of 50 and my aunt died of breast cancer at the age of 49, so cancer was certainly in my life,” says Bryant. “But I still hadn’t checked my chest yet. It sounds ridiculous now, but it wasn’t.”

When searching online for survival stories of other women who fought this type of cancer, Bryant found only bad news.

So, to make a hopeful example for others, Bryant asked a friend of Geelong’s Robot Army Productions filmmaker to capture her journey. The result is a nine-part documentary. Standby life..

According to Brian, in the first months of chemotherapy, before COVID, it was almost an enjoyable experience, thanks to the time and laughter when a friend took him to a schedule in Melbourne.

The two mothers recorded her cancer journey at COVID-19 in a nine-part documentary called Life on Standby.

The two mothers recorded her cancer journey at COVID-19 in a nine-part documentary called Life on

However, when a pandemic occurred, life became even more difficult. For safety, she and her husband, Luke, decided to keep the children home before the blockade. Suddenly she homeschooled, did the final round of chemotherapy, and gave only 19 rounds of radiation therapy. There was no long-awaited hug from her extensive support network.

Thankfully, Bryant’s first Beeline to the GP gave her enough time to fight cancer head-on.

It is estimated that 20,000 Australian women will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year, says Vicky Darston, director of policy and advocacy for Breast Cancer Network Australia.

During Breast Cancer Awareness Month, networks and other cancer organizations are urging women to return to general practitioners for breast cancer testing.

“This month is more important than ever, because the symptoms of breast cancer have decreased significantly,” says Darston.

“We know they are there. People are just undiagnosed. People are afraid of COVID and cancel their appointments and don’t show up.”

According to data released by Cancer Council Victoria in July, the number of cases of breast cancer reported between April and mid-May decreased by up to 37%.

Darston said that as people return to the GP, this will undoubtedly lead to a surge in breast cancer cases later this year and next year.

“We know they’re starting to present, and because they’ve been waiting, that means breast cancer has progressed.”

As for Brian, she is currently religiously checking her breasts, at least monthly.

After sharing her fight on social media, six women contacted Bryant to inform them that they were being treated for cancer. After her story urged them to be checked.

The next three years are very important for Brian because of the risk of secondary cancer.


Meanwhile, she dreams of time alone.

“I need to be myself with my own thoughts and understand what the last 12 months of my life were.”

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