President Trump’s Emergency COVID-19 Therapy Says About His Condition
President Donald Trump’s diagnosis of COVID-19 has been the most serious threat to his health in decades and is another case of the millions of people in the United States to date.
White House doctors address this challenge with a mixture of drugs, including an drug known as a monoclonal antibody cocktail. This treatment raises questions because it is not well proven to be safe and effective.
“We are witnessing the intersection of the national crisis and one life-threatening emergency medical care in real time,” says the emergency medical doctor. Jeremy Faust, The attending physician at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.
Monoclonal antibodies are expected to help the immune system initiate an early response to COVID-19. Although the concept is similar to convalescent plasma, monoclonal antibodies are bioengineered females that carefully establish an immune shield rather than a crude extract yanked from blood. However, the drug in question, REGN-COV2, is being supplied by the American biotechnology company Regeneron, and complete results from ongoing clinical trials are not yet available.
Regeneron said in a statement: National Geographic The president is not the only one to receive REGN-COV2 under so-called “compassionate use”. Alexandra Bowie, a Regeneron spokesman, said less than 10 people were treated in “rare and exceptional situations.”
Bowie did not say whether it was taken by First Lady Melania Trump or other COVID-positive government officials because of medical privacy. “We continue to evaluate each request individually, based on its own benefits,” Bowie said.
How is President Trump’s condition?
The Commander-in-Chief undergoes physical examinations each year, and the information released from these examinations shows various situations of his risk to the coronavirus.
The 74-year-old president is in the age group inside that COVID-19 cases, about 1 in 500 cases The illness becomes so serious that it requires hospitalization.his Height and weight— Reported to be 6 feet 3 inches and 244 pounds this summer — also he Considered slightly overweight or obese, Another risk factor for viral complications. Presidential doctors, including current appointed Sean Conley, have stated that Trump’s heart health is normal.In his favor, the president does not use Alcohol or tobacco, For the past three years, it has lowered cholesterol and maintained normal blood pressure.
“The people who have these demographics are exactly the people who need the most protection in this crisis,” says Faust.
By Saturday afternoon, Walter Reed’s The doctor said The Associated Press reported that he had received oxygen, but the president’s mild symptoms (fever, cough, malaise) were resolved. Before being hospitalized the night before.. Conley added that Melania Trump showed no signs of needing hospitalization.
“At this point, the team and I are very pleased with the president’s progress,” Conley said at a press conference. After some questions from reporters, the president’s doctor added that Trump is currently not using oxygen and that this treatment was not given during his hospital stay.
The question of whether the president needed oxygen supplementation is very important. The need for such treatment is considered a turning point in the path between mild and more severe infections. Faust of Brigham and Women’s Hospital says doctors are likely to closely monitor the president for signs of dyspnea or low blood oxygen levels.
“We can’t exaggerate the importance of the next 24 to 48 hours,” he says, responding to Trump’s White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows. To AP.. Some of Trump’s aides have been tested positive for the virus, but Meadows is not among them.
What are monoclonal antibodies and how are they made?
Antibodies are Y-shaped proteins that the immune system makes in response to foreign pathogens. They play two important roles: if the virus has enough grom, intruders cannot invade and multiply cells. Antibodies can also tag bacteria for destruction by other parts of the immune system.
Vaccines work, in part, by tricking the body into making its own antibodies. Treatments such as monoclonal antibodies and convalescent plasma introduce the antibodies into the patient’s body. The goal is to strengthen the body’s immune system to identify and fight infections.
Mr. Trump is in a race where the immune system is competing with the virus, and if the virus wins, it can have disastrous consequences, “Regeneron CEO Renschleifer told CNN late Friday. .. “What our antibodies do is make it a fairer fight.”
Monoclonal antibodies are much more finely designed, unlike convalescent plasma, which is an extract from the blood of convalescent COVID-19 patients who may contain a blend of many antibodies. These drugs are designed to prevent the SARS-CoV-2 virus from propagating in the nose and mouth before it colonizes the lungs and becomes more severe.
“The theoretical idea is,’Hey, no virus invades the lungs,'” he said. Myron Cohen, Infectious disease physician at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and co-leader of the COVID-19 Preventive Trial Network (CoVPN). “You are not worried about nasal infections, you are worried about lower respiratory tract infections.”
Many companies, such as Eli Lilly, develop antibody candidates by analyzing the blood of recovered COVID-19 patients. In the case of Regeneron, the company used laboratory mice designed to have a human-like immune system. With this adjustment, researchers were able to infect mice with SARS-CoV-2 and extract human immune cells that produced antibodies to the virus.
Scientists then evaluate which of these cells can make the viral spike protein, a single type of antibody that best binds to picking to invade human cells.
This screening process makes the antibody “monochrome”. The goal is to establish a separate breeding line made of cloned cells, each producing a single, specific type of antibody.
So Include Washington postReported by Carolyn Johnson Recently, Regeneron bioengineers have used hamster ovarian cells to mass-produce antibodies, brew them in large tanks, and then extract medicinal antibodies.
The final formulation, REGN-COV2, contains two monoclonal antibodies, each binding to the virus in slightly different ways. It is believed that the antibody duo has a better shot of binding to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, in much the same way that an antiviral “cocktail” effectively treats HIV.
Does this treatment work? Is it safe? How was it managed?
REGN-COV2 is classified as an treatment as the jury is still considering whether COVID-19 can be safely wayrayed. The US Food and Drug Administration does not issue an emergency license for treatment, as it does for convalescent plasma or remdesivir.
The gold standard for reviewing any medical treatment is a clinical trial that randomly assigns a patient a placebo that is either therapeutic or seemingly ineffective. Regeneron is performing the early stages of these trials of REGN-COV2. However, the full results have not been published. Not to mention world leaders, some healthcare professionals are hesitant to use it for everyone.
“I’m so worried about him that Trump’s doctors are so worried about him that they should do it if it’s really harmful or if they don’t do anything,” Faust adds. “It projects nothing positive.”
Regeneron at a briefing to investors and the media on September 29th Presentation Preliminary results from the first 275 patients in an ongoing clinical trial. For those who haven’t made a lot of their antibodies yet, 8 grams of REGN-COV2 (injected intravenously) reduced the amount of virus in the patient’s nose. The company reported a tendency to improve symptoms, but those results were not yet statistically significant. Regeneron said it would officially publish the results as soon as possible.
Cohen, who has partnered with Regeneron to test REGN-COV2 as a prophylactic treatment, said that monoclonal antibodies look safe so far, “there is no reason not to.” “It’s attacking the viral spike protein, so there’s all reason to believe it doesn’t interact with human tissue.”
However, one of the potential concerns about antibody treatment is that in certain situations the virus can inadvertently increase its ability to bind to human cells, making the infection more serious.
So far, in the case of REGN-COV2, this paradoxical effect is: Antibody dependence enhancement (ADE)-Not Appeared in animal experimentsAlthough these results have not been peer reviewed.
Bowie said in a statement that more than 2,000 people have participated in the trial so far and that an independent committee monitoring the data has not raised any safety concerns. “Safety is paramount and we are always watching carefully, but so far the situation looks good,” she said.
The use of treatment by the president remains questionable. First, Regeneron’s early trial results included patients who averaged 44 years, or 30 years younger than Trump. Regeneron states that there is not yet enough data to determine if the drug causes different reactions in different age groups. However, Cohen believes that older people often benefit from the drug because the immune system slows down and weakens as we get older.
What else is President Trump taking?
In a memo on Friday, President’s doctor Conley said in addition to REGN-COV2, Trump has an assortment of supplements and other medications.
With vitamin D zinc Zinc is also associated with the exposed COVID-19 treatment hydroxychloroquine, but is a common booster of the immune system. Trump also takes low doses of aspirin daily. Routine treatments for older men to prevent heart disease, Existing conditions that can exacerbate the results of COVID-19.Trump has participated in this regimen at least since his time First presidential physical examination of 2018..
Beyond REGN-COV2, Trump’s emergency regimen to date includes three other drugs that are currently under study but not fully approved for use with COVID-19.Two of them-sleep aids Melatonin And storefront Heartburn drug Pepsid— Staying in the early stages of the study, it is thought to reduce inflammation, a frequent complication of infections.
I’m also taking playing cards remdesivir, A reused antiviral agent that has received an emergency license from the FDA. So far, clinical data have shown that remdesivir can reduce recovery time slightly.
Editor’s Note: This story will be updated when the president’s situation changes.
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