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How to identify different symptoms of influenza and Covid-19

How to identify different symptoms of influenza and Covid-19


As the flu season approaches, some Americans, especially parents, may not be able to easily tell if they or their children are ill, whether they have the flu or Covid-19. I’m worried.

They are correct. Most symptoms of the two illnesses are so similar that without one test (or two or three tests) you cannot be sure. But there are some clues. (And it is possible Cause both infections at the same timeIt turns out that some patients in China this year have both. )

It is not yet clear if the United States will have much of the flu season this year. Influenza activity in the Southern Hemisphere often predicts activity in the United States, 99% lower than normal During that winter. Epidemiologists said Australians, New Zealanders, South Africans, Chileans, and other residents of the southern half of the globe wore masks to prevent coronavirus infection and washed their hands a few feet away. I think. These same precautions also prevent influenza infection.

Currently, there are so few flights between the Southern Hemisphere and the United States that the four regular seasonal flu strains may not have the opportunity to “relapse” among Americans. If so, masks and social distance should limit their spread.

Nonetheless, experts urge all Americans to be vaccinated against the flu.Last year’s flu season went well before it suddenly ended during the blockade. One of the worst in my recent memory.. The number of children who died was the same as in the 2017-18 season. Was the worst Since the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Started tracking deaths during the flu season in 1976..

According to experts, if you get the flu, you are much less likely to be hospitalized or die because of the flu.

for “Fear of eccentric things, ”Influenza vaccination Made in large quantities It will be distributed to pharmacies and clinics from early August this year.As of the end of last month, some doctors reported it was difficult to order as many as they wanted, but pharmacy chains say they are. Get a stable supply.. To find a flu shot Vaccine Or one of the chain pharmacy websites,

There are at least 100 viruses that can cause a cold, but only four that cause seasonal flu. Many people who have a cold assume they have the flu, but experts consistently say the same thing about how to tell the difference. “The flu makes you feel like you’ve hit a truck.” Fever, pain, and headaches in bad cases of influenza are generally more common than cases of respiratory follicles virus, rhinovirus, or other common cold viruses. that’s terrible.

Everyone knows the symptoms of the flu. Fever, headache, body aches, sore throat, runny nose, clogged sinuses, coughing and sneezing, and ear infections in infants. Some victims, especially children, also have diarrhea and vomiting.

In severe cases, the most common complication is pneumonia. Typical signs of influenza pneumonia are shortness of breath, especially when moving, unusually fast breathing (doctors usually look for it in children), and sometimes chest and back pain.

Knowing if you have a Covid-19 is much more complicated because there are so many different things — And sometimes quite wacky — Symptoms, many of which reflect the flu symptoms.

The· Most common symptoms It has a high fever and may be accompanied by chills, a dry cough, and malaise.

One sign that really distinguishes the two infections is that many Covid-19 victims suddenly lose their sense of smell. Not because of a stuffy nose, but because it doesn’t even record strong odors like onions and coffee. Not all virus victims develop anosmia, the official name for olfactory loss, but one study found that 87% developed olfactory dysfunction.

Less common symptoms include sore throat, stuffy nose, runny nose, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, and shortness of breath during exercise. Some victims may have red eyes, itching, redness and blisters on their fingers and toes.So-called Covid toesSimilar to Chilblains..

More dangerous symptoms (that is, you need to see a doctor right away) include severe dyspnea. Chest pain and pressure; blue lips or blue face; confused or inconsistent answers to simple questions. It disrupts or loses consciousness.

In addition to the dreaded nature of the disease, it can cause blood clots that can lead to heart damage, brain damage, and lung damage. And even some cases that appear mild or asymptomatic produce signs that doctors believe they may have long-term heart damage.

Another unusual aspect of Covid is that people can develop pneumonia without knowing how ill they are. The doctor doesn’t know why. One theory is that the air sacs of the lungs are damaged in a way that does not cause the accumulation of carbon dioxide, which creates a feeling of “desperate in the air.”

Many doctors recommend buying Pulse oximeterA fingertip device that measures oxygen levels in the blood. Multiple measurements of less than 92% should trigger a call to the doctor. The earlier the pneumonia is detected, the better the results.

Children generally pass Covid-19 with almost no problems. At the youngest age, it is considered less dangerous than influenza.

Children Have constellations with the same symptoms Adults do, but parents may be more likely to notice it when their children have a runny nose, red eyes, and exhausted moody that comes from a terrible mood.

Dangerous symptoms include difficulty breathing, bluish lips, confusion or inability to wake up, severe abdominal pain or inability to control fluids. If you have these signs, it is important to take your child to a doctor or hospital immediately.

In very rare cases, children Multiple organ inflammation syndrome, This is thought to be caused by an excessive immune response and can cause shock and organ failure.

But doctors emphasize that it is rare and needs to be understood by parents It is very unlikely that their sick child will have it.

In the case of Covid-19, symptoms begin 2-14 days after exposure, but most begin 5-7 days after exposure.

However, as with measles and other illnesses, the virus can begin to spread two days before you feel sick. Therefore, it is very important to warn others as soon as possible and isolate yourself if you suspect you may have been exposed, especially if you are elderly or medically vulnerable.

When a disease attacks the area and the patient has symptoms, it is usually safer to assume that it is the patient’s symptoms and start treatment rather than waiting for the test results. Is the axiom of. So don’t be surprised if your doctor doesn’t recommend a test unless both the flu and the coronavirus start circulating in large numbers in your city at the same time.

Also, it can be difficult to take a coronavirus test. Especially if the test delays are very high. The PCR type is more accurate than a 15-minute “rapid antigen test,” but it can take hours or days to return results, depending on whether you need to send it to a central laboratory.

One positive test probably means that you are infected, but one negative test should not be trusted. Too many things can go wrong. Two negative PCR tests, performed at least 24 hours apart, are a better indicator of infection.

If your insurance company pays only one test, consider paying for the second test yourself for peace of mind.

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