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Herald: High blood pressure, COVID, lifestyle


October 5, 2020 | 04:05 am

High blood pressure, COVID, lifestyle

Francisco Corasso

High blood pressure, also known as high blood pressure (HBP), is a long-term condition in which blood pressure (BP) rises continuously. Despite the fact that it is a serious medical condition, HBP may not have obvious symptoms that indicate something is wrong. HBP, often referred to as the “silent killer,” can cause many health problems, including heart disease, stroke, and dementia, if left untreated.

And what about the link between high blood pressure and its COVID 19, the “less quiet murderer”?

The latest evidence shows that people with uncontrolled or untreated HBP are at risk of becoming seriously ill with COVID-19. Several studies have shown hypertension overexpression among hospitalized and severely ill COVID-19 patients. The International Society for Hypertension (ISH) recognizes the concerns raised by speculation (amplified by the media) suggesting that hypertension increases susceptibility to COVID-19 infection. Countering this with a statement that “… the opposite is true given that most of these cases occur in people over the age of 60, where hypertension is common,” goes ahead.

Further speculation also suggests that two commonly used classes of blood pressure-lowering drugs (ACE inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs)) may exacerbate the outcome of people infected with COVID-19. Suggests, but this is the subject of ongoing controversy. We fully support the content of two recent statements by the European Society of Cardiology and the European Society of Hypertension’s Hypertension Council. Both reveal that there is no good evidence to change the use of ACE inhibitors or ARBs for management. Treatment of hypertension in connection with avoidance or treatment of COVID-19 infection.

Therefore, this relationship between COVID-19 and HBP may be due to age (almost two-thirds of people over the age of 60 have HBP) ​​and hypertension such as obesity, diabetes and chronic kidney disease. It is unclear if it is confused by other comorbidities. Therefore, observational studies show an association between COVID-19 and HBP (risk of developing infections and complications), not the cause.

Research is underway to investigate whether hypertension is an independent risk factor for COVID-19, but there is no doubt that the most important step in the presence of HBP, especially in these times, is to manage it. ..

There are many things you can do every day to control HBP.

Healthy eating, more exercise, better sleep: Eating lots of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products and lean meats, chicken, fish and nuts can lower your blood pressure .. Losing a few pounds of extra weight can lower your blood pressure. It is also important to monitor your hips. If the area around the “central part” is too large, it can affect blood pressure. For women, the waist above 35 inches is high. For men, it’s over 40 inches.

Too much sodium can increase blood pressure. Don’t exceed 1,500 milligrams a day and keep in mind that soups, sandwiches and pizzas can also contain salt.

Exercise also helps lower blood pressure and lose weight. Your goal is to exercise for at least 150 minutes each week, but don’t overdo it all at once. Look for aerobic exercise that makes your lungs and heart work a little harder. Maybe active walking, cycling, swimming, or dancing.

Most people need 6-8 hours of good sleep each night. However, sleep claims are often exaggerated, and sleep patterns are very age-related, so find the one that’s right for you.

Stress Buster: Find ways to deal with stress, such as meditation, yoga, and deep breathing. Relax and have fun listening to music, gardening and spending time with family and friends.

Manage vices: Drinking too much alcohol can increase your blood pressure. Women should only drink one cup a day. For men, there are two.

Smoking raises blood pressure and makes you more susceptible to heart attacks and strokes. In addition, smoking can reduce the effectiveness of some medications taken due to blood pressure.

Be aware of caffeine, which can cause a short but dramatic increase in blood pressure, even in the absence of high blood pressure.

Finally, don’t be afraid of COVID-19 and lose sight of all other medical conditions. Check your BP regularly to make sure you don’t get too high in blood pressure by using a reliable home monitor or wearing masks and gloves and seeing a doctor. Today we sell many medicines. If one drug does not work, taking three or four drugs at the same time is considered so-called “resistant hypertension.”

Work with your doctor to make sure other health issues are under control. Many people with diabetes also have high blood pressure. Other symptoms such as high cholesterol, sleep apnea, and thyroid disorders are often associated with it. When you manage your overall health, you will help control your blood pressure.

Finally, follow the treatment plan you have created with your doctor. With COVID-19, it is especially important to protect yourself from the serious health problems that high blood pressure can cause.

(Dr. Francisco Corasso is a superlative consulting physician who is a pioneer in Gore’s echocardiography)


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