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A baby who survived a brain tumor returns home to celebrate his first birthday


Baby who survived the giant Brain tumor Surrounded by hundreds of birthday cards around the world, I was finally able to get home from the hospital and celebrate my first birthday.

Brave Lou Owen was discharged on his birthday after undergoing 10 surgeries in just 11 months to remove a “two orange-sized” tumor.

Credit: SWNS
Credit: SWNS

His parents, Antony and Amy, both 32 years old, expected him to spend the day in the hospital, so he asked the applicant to post his birthday card in the ward.

But on his birthday, they were told by the doctor that he was out of the hospital and could go home to spend the day with his parents and brother Noah.

A global army of hopers sent cards to the ward, where Lou spent almost half of his life since he was diagnosed with a growing benign tumor, immature teratoma.

Credit: SWNS
Credit: SWNS
Credit: SWNS
Credit: SWNS

English teacher Papa Antony said, “I was overwhelmed by the number of cards I received. There were hundreds from all over the world far from Nigeria. He has touched so many people.

“It sounds strange, but the love and support of people means that I’ve never felt lonely during this time.”

Lou was diagnosed with a brain tumor in November last year, only four weeks old, after worrying that his parents weren’t eating properly.

Doctors at Hull Royal Hospital illuminated their luggage with a green light at Leeds General Hospital, more than 50 miles away from their family’s home, for professional treatment.

Credit: SWNS
Credit: SWNS

After eight major surgeries, the tumor was finally resected last month and he returned to his home in Hull, East Yorkshire.

However, Lou was rushed back to the hospital last week to get rid of excess water and insert a shunt in his head to reduce cerebral edema, and was infected and blocked. He needed two more surgeries to repair the shunt and drain fluid from the brain.

“The tumor was 10 cm long and had a cyst,” Antony said. “The surgeon told me that it’s like being seen once in a career, if at all.”

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Mam Amy, an elementary school teacher, kept an online diary of her family trip. Lou had gathered many loved ones.

Credit: SWNS
Credit: SWNS

When Lou was afraid to spend his first birthday in the hospital, Antony contacted their followers and asked for a birthday card to make his day special. They received the best birthday present when the document told the family that Lou was healthy enough to go home.

The tumor left Lou invisible to his left eye, and doctors believe he was several months behind in his development. But his happy personality stimulated his parents to expect him to catch up with his growth.

Antony said: “Doctors said his development was a bit slow and his athletic ability and core strength weren’t what they were supposed to be.

“He’s a very happy and calm boy, doing things a little later than usual and achieving milestones, but probably because he spent about six months in the hospital bed. is.”

Credit: SWNS
Credit: SWNS

They now want to make up for the lost time and enjoy family life with Lou and Noah, whom they have rarely met in the past year.

Antony added: “Last year was just as hard for Noah. I can’t imagine what it was like for him. Noah and Lou have a close bond, but they should have spent last year doing everything. Brothers should.

“We’re really looking forward to being with them. That’s what we’re most looking forward to. It’s all about doing all the usual boring family things we couldn’t do together. I can’t wait. Last year. “

The family raised over £ 30,000 ($ 38,000) Leeds care, A charity that supports District 52, where Lou was treated during hospitalization.

Credit: SWNS
Credit: SWNS

Amy said: “I can’t express the splendor of Leeds General’s staff. The ward, which mainly takes care of Lou, L52 is a special place run by a team of very special people. Lou is possible Make sure you receive the best possible care.

“It’s never enough to verbally describe how much L52 means to our family. They didn’t think we had to our little boy at some point. Gave me the future.

“It always holds a very valuable place in our hearts. Maybe Lou was destined to start his first birthday surrounded by the people who made it possible. . “


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