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9 Vitamin K-rich Foods You Must Add to Your Diet


These vitamin K-rich foods can be included in the diet in multiple ways.


  • Vitamin K “K” comes from the German word coagulation
  • Vitamin K plays an important role in bone formation
  • Here are nine vitamin K-rich foods you can include in your diet

Due to the ongoing pandemic, we are well aware of how important vitamins and minerals are to our health. A diet rich in all such vitamins, from Vitamin C for immunity to Vitamin A for vision to Vitamin D for immunity and strong bones, is essential to our well-being. Vitamin K is another important vitamin that promotes blood clotting and plays an important role in bone health. Vitamin K, a fat-soluble vitamin, is actually a group of compounds in which vitamin K1 and vitamin K2 seem to be the most important, according to nutritionist Rupali Datta.

Vitamin K It not only protects the heart, but also mainly promotes bone health and wound healing. Vitamin K2 has also been shown to improve insulin sensitivity. Therefore, people who absorb the most vitamin K2 from food are about 20% less likely to develop type 2 diabetes. Lupari adds that vitamin K2 (or menaquinone) is produced primarily by the gut flora, while vitamin K1 (or phylloquinone) is naturally obtained from plants, especially green leafy vegetables. Here are nine foods and how to add them to get more vitamin K in your diet.

(Read again: Four subtle signs and symptoms of vitamin K deficiency)

Here are nine vitamin K-rich foods you should add to your diet:

1. Spinach

Spinach, which is low in cholesterol and rich in dietary fiber, vitamins A, C, K, and iron, not only helps red blood cells function properly in the body, but is also good for bone health.This is Spinach pancake recipe You can try to include more Vitamin K in your morning meal at home!


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2. Kale

Kale, which accounts for more than 50% of the recommended daily allowance, seems to be the best vegetable to add to a vitamin K-rich diet. It is also rich in fiber, protein and omega-3 fatty acids.this Beetroot kale smoothie It is useful for quick and energetic meals during the day.


3. Broccoli

Broccoli, one of the most nutritious vegetables, is juicy, fresh, firm and needs to be cooked properly to enjoy all the benefits and great taste.this Broccoli and almond soup The recipe is a bowl of comfort that you can’t resist.


4. Lettuce

Also, lettuce, rich in protein, vitamin A, and potassium, most commonly wrapped in sandwiches or served under salads, is a great leafy vegetable that can be thrown in a variety of ways.This is Lettuce roll cottage cheese roll You will definitely love to have fun!


5. Fish

Do we already know the many benefits of fish? What we may not be aware of is the abundance of vitamin K. You may have found another reason to taste juicy and flavorful grilled fish and grilled fish.this Fish baked in white sauce It’s a perfect recipe in the first place.


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6. Cauliflower

Cauliflower, one of India’s most popular vegetables, also helps maintain a healthy digestive system and prevent arthritis, obesity and other anti-inflammatory diseases.This delicious Cauliflower salad Topped with an appetizing cauliflower puree is a great recipe to include in your diet.


7. Egg

Protein-rich eggs are probably at the top of our list of reliable foods and can be prepared quickly! It’s versatile, easy and very tasty. There are many things that can be made from eggs.This is easy Scrambled eggs recipe You can try it for your next breakfast!


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8. Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts from the same family as cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli are undoubtedly low in carbohydrates and rich in nutrients, especially proteins, fiber, vitamins C and K. One way is to add a little salt and crispy vegetables such as carrots and broccoli and stir-fry to enjoy a hearty meal!


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9. Kiwi

Kiwi is rich in nutrients that support our body. In addition to Vitamin K, it contains vitamins A, B12, B6, E, iron, calcium and potassium, ensuring blood circulation in blood vessels, iron absorption for healthy bones, good vision and more. .. Cucumber and kiwi juice recipe It will surely refresh you and impress your taste buds!


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These vitamin K-rich foods can be included in the diet in multiple ways. Tell us what you are trying to make from versatile foods!

About Aanchal MathurAanchal does not share food. The cake near her always disappears in a record time of 10 seconds. In addition to loading sugar, she loves hitting friends on peach plates. You are most likely to find her soulmate in the food app.


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