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Studies show how the brain works while talking to someone in a different social class


According to a new study, the human brain responds significantly differently when we talk to someone with a different socio-economic background than when we talk to someone we perceive from a similar background. Indicates.

Researchers at University College London (UCL) and Yale University have conducted new imaging studies. They watched 39 pairs of participants talking to each other, and each correspondent wore a headset to monitor brain activity.Details of their research are published in the journal Social cognition and emotional neuroscience..

Brain response to socio-economic disparity

This study was conducted to investigate a new theoretical framework that suggests that frontal lobe networks are behind the judgments associated with stereotypes and prejudice. This part of the brain will not only detect prejudice from others, but will also help manage our behavior to avoid expressing prejudice.

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The socio-economic background of the participants was calculated by the researchers based on their educational background and annual household income. Researchers assign points to a predefined layer of education and income, and 19 pairs “High disparity20 pairs as “low parallax”.

They used functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) when participants engaged in face-to-face live communication sessions. When a participant is talking to a partner under investigation, fNIRS Monitor blood flow and oxygen levels from changes in near-infrared light levels. Contrary to previous beliefs, study participants simply wore a headset-like device. They detected MRI scans that are not recommended for conversations because participants need to lie down and stay still.

The conversation between the pairs lasted about 12 minutes and included random topics such as “How do you bake a cake?” Or “What did you do last summer?”

Identification of neural mechanisms of socio-economic and social interactions

Researchers have found that people from very different socio-economic backgrounds have shown increased levels of brain activity in certain areas. Frontal lobe, Known as the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. This area is often associated with speech synthesis, according to rule-based language, cognitive, and attention management.

After the monitored conversation, participants were asked to fill out a questionnaire. Again, participants who had to talk to people from different backgrounds reported a higher level of anxiety and effort in maintaining the conversation.

Professor Joy Hirsch of Yale University School of Medicine and UCL School of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering said:

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She also believed that their findings would provide a “hopeful message” and add a way for humans to have positive social encounters with different people. Hirsch also said that their research provided the neurobiological basis for developing a frontal lobe system to help our brain cope with diversity.

Olivia Descorbeth, an undergraduate student at Yale University and the lead author of the study, came up with a researcher study as her suggestion. “I wanted to know if my brain responded differently when I talked to other people with different socio-economic backgrounds,” Decolves said. “Now we know that it has happened and that humans have neurobiology to help us navigate social differences.”

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