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Harvey J. Alter, Michael Houghton and Charles M. Rice were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology for the discovery of hepatitis C

Harvey J. Alter, Michael Houghton and Charles M. Rice were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology for the discovery of hepatitis C


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In a news release Monday, the Nobel Congress said three scientists “made creative discoveries that could lead to the identification of new viruses.” “We have made a decisive contribution to the fight against blood-borne hepatitis, a major global health problem that causes cirrhosis and liver cancer in people around the world,” the trio said.

According to the World Health Organization, an estimated 71 million people worldwide are infected with the chronic hepatitis C virus. A significant number of people who are chronically infected develop cirrhosis or liver cancer.

Gilbert Thompson, Professor Emeritus of Clinical Lipidology at Imperial College London, told CNN. “It was a big problem and this (work) was a big step forward.”

Nobel Parliamentary Secretary Thomas Perlman said he had to call the winner several times before he could finally reach Alter and Rice.

“I woke them up, and they were very surprised, they definitely weren’t sitting by the phone because I called them a few times ago without any answer.” He said after the announcement.

“But when I got to them, they were very surprised, really happy, and barely able to speak, so it was really fun to talk to them.”

Cinderella Story

The discovery of hepatitis C virus The Story of Cinderella in Modern Medicine -Achievements that have been relatively overlooked.

In the 1960s, it was a major concern that a significant number of people who received blood transfusions developed chronic hepatitis from a mysterious infectious pathogen.

Alter, a US scientist at Bethesda’s National Institutes of Health, has shown that blood from these hepatitis patents can infect chimpanzees. The mysterious disease has become known as “non-A, non-B” hepatitis.

Why is it difficult to guess who will win the Nobel Prize?

Houghton, a British scientist currently working at the University of Alberta in Canada, has not been tested to isolate the gene sequence for a new virus named hepatitis C when working for Chiron in the 1980s. I used a strategy.

Rice, another American based at Rockefeller University in New York City, provided the final piece of the puzzle and showed that only hepatitis C virus can cause hepatitis.

Thanks to their findings, the Nobel Committee said sensitive blood tests for the virus became available, which essentially eliminated blood transfusion-induced hepatitis in many parts of the world. Their research also paved the way for the rapid development of antiviral drugs to treat hepatitis C.

However, Dr. Claire Bainton, a global public health clinical consultant and director of the Royal Society of Medicine’s Global Leadership Program, said the disease still kills 400,000 people each year.

“This gives us a better understanding of the Covid-19 infection and clearly reminds us that the vaccine and therapeutic potential is not enough to end this pandemic,” she said. ..

In the United States, the most common transmission routes for today’s diseases are: Drug use with a syringe.

Life-changing discoveries

The three winners will share SEK 10 million, or about $ 1.07 million.

Thomas Perlman (right), the secretary of the Nobel Committee, will announce the winners.

The inventor of dynamite, Alfred Nobel, founded in 1895 a fund that gave most of his fortune to those who serve humanity. Today, the Nobel Prize recognizes outstanding achievements in the fields of physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature, peace and economic science. Between 1901 and 2019, about 600 awards were awarded.

The Nobel Prize states that part of his fund will be dedicated to “the person who made the most important discoveries in the field of physiology or medicine.”

The main inscriptions on one side of the Nobel Prize medals in physics, chemistry, medicine and literature are the same. “Invent as vitam juvat excoluisse per artes” is roughly translated as follows. “And those who have improved their lives on earth through newly discovered learning.”

The Nobel Prize in Medicine, Physics and Chemistry is the pinnacle of scientific achievements celebrating great spirit and life-changing discoveries.

The latter two will be announced on Tuesday and Wednesday, respectively, followed by the Nobel Prize in Literature on Thursday, the Peace Prize on Friday, and the Economics Prize next Monday.


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