Breathing with a face mask does not change the oxygen level.The virus can last for 9 hours on the skin
(Reuters)-The following is a summary of some of the latest scientific research on the new coronavirus and efforts to find cures and vaccines for the virus-induced disease COVID-19.
Breathing with a face mask does not affect the lungs
The average face mask may be uncomfortable, but even people with severe lung disease do not limit the flow of oxygen to the lungs, researchers say. They targeted 15 healthy doctors and 15 military veterans with severe lung damage during a 6-minute fast walk to gas exchange (the body turns into blood while removing carbon dioxide. We tested the effect of wearing a surgical mask on the process of adding oxygen) on a flat, hard surface. Before and after the gait test, blood oxygen and carbon dioxide levels were measured. Neither healthy doctors nor patients with lung disease showed significant changes in gas exchange measurements after the gait test or up to 30 minutes. The discomfort in the mask is likely not due to carbon dioxide rebreathing and low oxygen levels, the researchers reported in the journal Thorax on Friday. Instead, the mask may cause discomfort by stimulating sensitive facial nerves, warming inhaled air, and inducing a claustrophobic sensation. Researchers said such discomfort should not raise safety concerns. It may contribute to the reduction of “practices proven to improve public health”. ((()
New coronavirus survives 9 hours on human skin
New studies have found that the new coronavirus can survive for hours on human skin if left undisturbed. To avoid the possibility of infecting healthy volunteers, researchers conducted laboratory experiments using corpse skin that would otherwise have been used for skin grafting. Influenza A virus survived less than 2 hours on human skin, while the new coronavirus survived more than 9 hours. Both were completely inactivated within 15 seconds by a hand sanitizer containing 80% alcohol. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention currently recommends using an alcohol-based hand-rubbing method with 60% to 95% alcohol, or washing your hands thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Studies have shown that COVID-19 infections occur primarily through aerosols and droplets. Nonetheless, the authors of the new study conclude in a clinical infection report published Saturday that “proper hand hygiene is important to prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2 infection.” ((()
Obstructive sleep apnea associated with exacerbation of COVID-19
New studies have found that common sleep disorders appear to increase the risk of serious illness in patients with COVID-19. Using the Finnish national database, researchers found that the infection rate of the new coronavirus was the same in people with and without obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), but among those infected, OSA A person was found to be at 5 times higher risk hospitalization. When some people with OSA are sleeping, their breathing temporarily stops and then resumes. Often done multiple times at night. OSA is associated with health problems such as obesity, hypertension, heart disease, and diabetes, but is associated with an increased risk of severe COVID-19, even after researchers consider all these other factors. doing. This study cannot prove that OSA caused more serious consequences. However, in a paper submitted to medRxiv prior to peer review, researchers told physicians assessing patients with suspected or confirmed coronavirus infection that sleep disorders were a risk factor for severe COVID-19. I advise you to recognize. ((()
Infrared thermometers can be inaccurate in adults
Small studies suggest that non-contact infrared thermometers, which have been used since childhood and are now used to screen for fever in public places, may not be able to accurately measure adult body temperature. I am. The device is held at a short distance from the forehead. Since it does not come into contact with the skin, it prevents bacterial transmission and does not require sterilization after use. In a study of 265 adults in two hospitals, Australian researchers compared an infrared thermometer with a “temporal artery” thermometer that rubs the forehead. When the body temperature was below 99.5 degrees Fahrenheit (37.5 C), the device produced similar results. However, according to a report published in the American Journal of Infection Control on Friday, when the temperature is high, the non-contact thermometer is “inaccurate” and the discrepancy increases as the temperature rises. Researchers said that only 37 study participants had a fever, so larger studies are needed to confirm these findings. On the other hand, they added that if an infrared thermometer shows temperatures above 99.5 F in adults, it may be wise to measure directly with a thermometer rather than in contact with the body. ((()
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Report by Nancy Rapid; Edited by Bill Berkrot
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