Researchers have found that too much folic acid is as harmful as too little-ScienceDaily.
A study by the UC Davis MIND Institute on pregnant mice found that large amounts of folic acid during pregnancy impair embryonic brain development. Researchers say the findings indicate that further research is needed on the optimal recommended dose for pregnant women.
Ralph Lauren, a prominent professor of pathology and medicine at the University of California, Davis and corresponding author, said: “We believe that folic acid has a Goldilocks effect.
The study was published on September 30 Cerebral cortexInvolved pregnant mice, which were given the usual amount of folic acid, 10 times the recommended amount, or no dose at all. The offspring of the mice that received the maximum dose showed significant brain changes.
“It’s not subtle, it’s substantive,” said Constantinos Zalbaris, an associate professor of pathology and laboratory medicine and the corresponding author of the study. “Very large amounts of folic acid can make a significant difference in the structure of the brain.”
Paradoxically, the changes in the brain caused by too much folic acid mimicked the changes associated with folic acid deficiency. “This was an even more important insight for me,” said Zarbalis, a faculty member at the MIND Institute at the University of California, Davis. He said studies show that in humans, impaired uptake of folic acid into the brain can lead to folic acid deficiency, a syndrome often associated with the development of autism. It was.
Folic acid and pregnancy
Folic acid (a synthetic form of vitamin B9, or folic acid) supplementation is widely recommended for women of childbearing age. It has been shown to significantly reduce the risk of neural tube defects such as spina bifida in children. Studies, including studies at the MIND Institute, have also shown that prenatal vitamins, including folic acid, can help prevent the development of autism and other disorders.
Green participated in a panel of the National Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Medicine (now known as the National Academy of Medicine) with a recommended daily intake of folic acid (400 mcg) and a maximum daily safety limit (1000 mcg). Decided. He also participated in a committee of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommending the addition of folic acid to foods, fortifying all grains and grains with folic acid mandated by the federal government in 1998.
“Adding folic acid to the diet is a good thing and I favored fortification, but there is a” best amount “of folic acid and some people may be taking more than optimal. “Green said.
Women who give birth to a child with neuropathic deficiency, or who have certain symptoms, such as epilepsy, and are taking anticonvulsants are generally advised to take much higher doses of folic acid.
“In animal models, there are signs that very large amounts of folic acid can be detrimental to fetal brain development. The clinical community takes this sign seriously and reassesses the amount of folic acid in this area. We need to support our research, which is great for pregnant women, “said Zarbalis.
Zarbalis and Green believe that the problem lies in the way folic acid is metabolized in the body, and plans to investigate this phenomenon further.
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