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Valley ran out of intensive care unit and ventilator for Covid-19 patients

Valley ran out of intensive care unit and ventilator for Covid-19 patients


Every morning, Dr. Samir Kumar Adikali of the Ministry of Health counts from lawmakers and others asking to arrange beds in the intensive care unit and ventilator support at the Covid-19 Designated Hospital for those nearby. I have received 10 calls.

However, as the number of cases increases rapidly and more and more people become seriously ill, these facilities are no longer available and he cannot help them much.

He admits that the government is unable to deal with the increasing number of cases.

“If the number of cases increases at the current pace, people will be deprived of basic medical services,” said Adikari, a co-spokesman for the ministry.

The Sclaraji Tropical Infectious Diseases Hospital, which was completely converted to Covid-19 Hospital, was able to adjust only one serious patient on Monday after moving another patient from the intensive care unit to the general ward.

According to Dr. Sagar Raj Bhandari, the director of the hospital, all 20 intensive care unit beds and 6 ventilators are used.

“I’ve been receiving calls from other hospital and health ministry staff about ICU beds since the morning,” Raj Bhandari told the post. “But we can’t arrange additional ICU beds and ventilators.”

Seriously ill patients are common because new cases of Covid-19 continue to proliferate and beds and ventilators are not available in all intensive care units in public and private hospitals treating Covid-19 patients in the Kathmandu Valley. There is no choice but to adjust or stay in a comfortable bed. Their home.

“The intensive care unit beds and ventilators available in the valley have been completely occupied for the past four days,” said Dr. Santa Kumardas, coordinator of the Covid-19 management team at Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital. Told. “Currently, no ICU bed or ventilator can be found at any hospital in Kathmandu.”

According to data provided by the Ministry of Health, 11,074 people in the valley have been infected in the last 10 days.

As of Monday 89,263 People across the country tested positive for the coronavirus, killing 554 people. In the last 24 hours, 2,440 people have been positive, including 1,531 in the Kathmandu Valley.

The Ministry of Health said 19 people died of the infection on Monday.

Due to this rapid increase in the number of new cases, the number of moderate cases requiring oxygen supply and severe cases requiring intensive care and mechanical ventilation support is also increasing.

“There is an increased risk of infected people dying without oxygen supply, intensive care and mechanical ventilation,” Das said.

Severe patients admitted to the intensive care unit and on ventilator support will take several days to recover due to serious damage to their lungs and other important organs, doctors said. That is.

However, according to Mahendra Prasad Shrestha, chief expert at the Ministry of Health, the government has decided to discharge patients within 10 days to relieve pressure on the hospital.

Data provided by the Ministry of Health show that there are 559 intensive care units and 239 ventilators in Covid-19 designated hospitals nationwide. Of these, there are 154 intensive care units and 62 ventilators in the valley.

“The government is working to increase the number of ICU beds and ventilators, which will be lower than the rate of increase in the number of cases,” said Adhikari, co-spokesman for the Ministry of Health. ..

In April, there were 1,551 beds and 770 ventilator beds in intensive care units nationwide. Currently, these numbers are 2,600 and 900, respectively.

Das, coordinator of the Covid-19 management team at Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital, proposes to have an intensive care unit in one location as it requires a lot of technical staff to treat and manage critically ill patients. I will. Patients are unlikely to receive optimal treatment if they are dispersed across many hospitals, he said.

The Ministry of Health has already advised the Cabinet to implement another blockade when the number of active transports exceeds 25,000.

According to Adikari, the cutoff value based on the ministry’s estimates based on the availability of beds, including private hospitals, was 25,000.

“Then our medical facility will be overwhelmed,” he added.

Public health experts say that time has passed to do a lot to control the spread of the infection.

“Authorities should now focus on increasing ICU beds, ventilators and oxygen supplies to save lives,” former Health Services Director Dr. Mingmar Gyelgen Sherpa told the post. “But you shouldn’t stop testing and contact tracing. This is always important. If you can save just a few lives, it will be a big win.”

However, despite such warnings from doctors and public health professionals, the government is forcing the decision to reduce the number of tests, make contact tracing ineffective, and maintain physical distance. not.

Frequently Asked Questions About Coronavirus Outbreaks

Updated September 22, 2020

What is Covid-19?
Covid-19, an abbreviation for coronavirus disease, is a disease caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and stands for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. Common symptoms of the disease include fever, dry cough, fatigue, shortness of breath, and difficulty breathing. .. In severe cases, infections can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, renal failure, and even death.

How contagious is Covid-19?
Covid-19 can Spread easily From person to person, especially in a closed space. The virus can travel through the air with respiratory droplets produced when a sick person breathes, talks, coughs, or sneezes.Because it can also be a virus Survive Contact with such surfaces can spread the virus for up to 72 hours on plastic or steel surfaces and up to 24 hours on cardboard. It takes 2 to 14 days for symptoms to appear. In the meantime, the carrier is considered contagious.

Where did the virus come from?
The virus was first identified in Wuhan, China, in late December. Coronavirus is a large family of viruses that cause the common cold, Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). After the first outbreak in Wuhan, which spread throughout Hubei province, more than 80,000 people were eventually infected and more than 3,000 died, after which new infection rates in mainland China declined. But since then, the disease has spread all over the world at an alarming rate.

What is the current status of Covid-19?

The World Health Organization called the ongoing outbreak a “pandemic” and called on countries around the world to take precautionary measures. Covid-19 has Spread to 213 countries and regions In the world And infected more than 31,405,983 967,505 people Deaths and 22,990,260 recovery.To South Asia, India reports the most infections at 5,557,573 At 88,943 Dead (number). Pakistan reported 306,304 We confirmed cases in which 6,420 people died. To date, Nepal has reported 65,276 cases that killed 427 people.

How dangerous is the illness?

The Covid-19 mortality rate is estimated to be 3.6%, New research The rate is slightly higher at 5.7%. Covid-19 is less dangerous for young, healthy people, but older people and those with weakened immunity are at increased risk of death.Who has Chronic condition People who have had serious medical treatment, such as heart disease, diabetes, lung disease, or recently, are also at risk.

How can I keep myself safe?
WHO Most important thing All you can do is wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or use a hand sanitizer with an alcohol content of at least 60 percent. Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth with dirty hands. Clean and disinfect frequently used surfaces such as computers and phones. Avoid large numbers of people. Seek medical attention if symptoms persist for more than a few days.

Is it time to panic?

number. ThE-government Imposed a blockade Limit the spread of the virus. TYou don’t have to start stockpiling food, cooking gas, or hand sanitizers here. However, it is always wise to take wise precautions such as those mentioned above.

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