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Covid-19 intubation may be less risky than feared: study

Covid-19 intubation may be less risky than feared: study



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Procedures such as inserting and removing the respiratory tract, which were thought to pose a serious risk of infecting health care workers with COVID-19, have less aerosol than normal cough, according to a new study published on Tuesday. Become.

Of particular concern to doctors and nurses during a pandemic is that intubation (a tube in the patient’s airways to help breathe) can create a fine mist of viral particles, creating a risk of infection. is. ..

This is the cause Classify them as’in the UK Procedure generation “, that is, Respiratory and high level required The operating room is cleaned using a special technique for removing aerosols. Researchers say that using this technology has slowed surgery “dramatically” and contributed to a long hospital waiting list.

But a new study published in anesthesiaThe Journal of the British Society of Anesthesiology has found that both intubation and postoperative removal of the respiratory tract produce much less aerosol than previously envisioned.

Although the study was not conducted in patients with COVID-19 The authors of the University of Bristol and the hospitals of Bristol and Bath called for a reassessment of the risk level of the procedure.

“The results suggest that tube insertion during anesthesia should not be considered a high-risk procedure,” the authors said.

“No increase in aerosolized particles was detected during repeated trials of face mask ventilation, airway suction, or intubation,” they wrote.

“This reflects typical clinical practice by experienced anesthesiologists and provides additional peace of mind regarding low levels of aerosol production.”

Cough is dangerous

In the actual clinical setting, the researchers worked on the quantification of aerosols produced during various anesthesia procedures for inserting and removing tubes from the patient’s airways and for other respiratory assistance.

They examined the insertion of 19 tubes and the removal of 14 tubes and, unexpectedly, found that the insertion of tubes produced about one-thousandth of the aerosol produced by a single aerosol. .. ..

Removal of the tube produced more aerosol, especially with a mild cough. This can occur when the patient resumes breathing on his own.

However, researchers said this was less than 25 percent of what was caused by a spontaneous cough.

The authors state that their studies were limited because they could not directly study the risk of new infections. “The interpretation is based on the widely accepted link between aerosol production and the risk of infection,” he added.

They said the study could affect the distribution of protective equipment in hospitals. It is assigned based on how dangerous a particular situation is considered to be.

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© 2020 AFP

Quote: Covid-19 intubation may be less risky than feared: Study (6 October 2020) to 2020 Obtained on October 6, 2014

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