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MSF Study: Immigrants and the Poor with Higher Coronavirus Infection Rate in Paris

MSF Study: Immigrants and the Poor with Higher Coronavirus Infection Rate in Paris


A new study conducted at the MSF Emergency Center between June and July 2020 found coronavirus infection rates among the poorest people in Paris, including immigrants and people living in precarious economic and social conditions. Showed that it looks expensive.

A new study conducted by Doctors Without Borders (MSF) found a high prevalence of coronavirus infection among the most vulnerable people in society, including immigrants. Charities said they ranged from 18-94% positive results, depending on the center of the test.

This study was carried out by the Epidemiology Institute of the Medical Charity MSF-Epicentre, along with the Pasteur Institute (L’Institut Pasteur). It is based on tests conducted between June and July 2020.

“The results confirm that the virus circulation is more active in situations where people meet many different people and have to share rooms, showers and kitchens with some other people.” , Said Thomas Roederer, an epicenter epidemiologist. Responsible for leading the research.

High rate of exposure to the virus

Researchers at the epicenter tested 818 people, divided into two MSF food distribution sites in Paris and its surrounding areas, Valdwards and Seine-Saint-Denis, two worker hostels, and ten emergency accommodations.

The study found that people who were exposed to the virus and had antibodies in their blood had a “very high” prevalence. In emergency shelters, 23-62% of people were exposed to the virus.

According to an MSF press release, 18-35% of people in food distribution centers are exposed to the virus, and workers’ hostels have very high levels of antibodies in their blood, at 82-94%.

Shared accommodation increases risk

In fact, the study found that one in two out of 543 people living in communal accommodation was positive for the presence of SARS-COV-2.

French police officers controlled bystanders in front of the almost empty Gare de l'Est station in Paris, France, on March 17, as a blockade imposed to delay the incidence of coronavirus disease (COVID-19). I will. , 2020 | Photo: Reuters
French police officers controlled bystanders in front of the almost empty Gare de l’Est station in Paris, France, on March 17, as a blockade imposed to delay the incidence of coronavirus disease (COVID-19). I will. , 2020 | Photo: Reuters

In comparison, the French public health authority (Santé Publique France) recently conducted a similar survey of the general population of the Ile-de-France region (also around Paris), exposing one in ten people to the virus. ..

According to the study, MSF press releases tested mostly men (80%) and most young (49% under 35 years of age), and 79% of cases had no adverse health effects from contact with the virus. It says that it was.

According to MSF France, most of the people surveyed said they sought to respect measures designed to maintain distance and hygiene to prevent the spread of the virus. However, maintaining distance in a shared space can be difficult, especially if you are forced to share your room, kitchen, or bathroom with others. Studies have found that this increases their risk.

Infection prevention

Corinne Torre, MSF France’s mission chief, said it was important to ensure that these emergency accommodations were not areas of increased infection, especially as winter could approach and move to similar facilities to protect them. I warned that. From the cold.

Torre said people should be avoided in dormitories if they can be provided with more suitable hotel rooms and individual spaces for the necessary precautions.

MSF said it advised authorities to provide more information to residents of emergency accommodations and hostels for workers, as well as anyone living in apartment buildings. They also said authorities need to make sure that the groups at highest risk of developing the severe form of the virus have sufficient information on how to access and prevent and protect universal insurance. It was. They said that anyone who was considered particularly at risk should be offered alternative, less crowded accommodation.

Thomas Roederer said the study confirmed that more epidemiological studies needed to be conducted to prioritize prevention strategies for the highest-risk populations.

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