Similarities exist between Spanish flu and COVID-19. Editor chooses
If survivors of the Spanish influenza pandemic of 1918 survive today, they may be aware of many similarities to the outbreak of COVID-19 on that day.
Like the current coronavirus, the deadly influenza of 1918-19 slowly migrated to the United States, starting in major metropolitan areas, slowly, and eventually spreading to water towns. Isolated area.
As the end of World War I in Europe, a far more deadly tragedy was to take ten times more lives than in World War I.
The horrible “Lagrippe” affects 28% of all Americans, and an estimated 675,000 people have Spanish flu during a pandemic. Of the U.S. soldiers who died in the European Theater, half were infected with the flu virus, not the enemy.
The 1918-19 influenza pandemic will continue to kill more people than any other disease outbreak in history. Current estimates show 21 million deaths worldwide, but some epidemiologists have recently changed this number to 50, perhaps 100 million.
Pandemics are not historically new, and their long records across ages and continents will tell us a lot about how best to handle the current outbreak. The 1918-19 pandemic was not the first influenza pandemic in the world. Throughout history, there are others: the African epidemic of 1510, the Asian flu of 1580, the yellow fever of 1647, the UK / Ireland epidemic of 1688, the London epidemic of 1847-48, 1889-90 In the London fad
But 1918 surpassed them all.
It started gently, with spring waves in March and April. In fact, some doctors at the time were wondering if the disease was indeed the routine flu. Early incidents in military camps throughout Kansas and the United States were largely ignored.
Until the second wave. In the fall of 1918, the flu pandemic.
Soldiers returning from the war took them back to the United States. It first arrived in Boston in September 1918. The virus killed nearly 200,000 people in October alone. In November, when people celebrated truce days at parades and parties, the Spanish flu was strengthening its grip on the United States.
What is called “Spanish influenza” is thought to have occurred elsewhere, as Spain was particularly hard hit (8 million people died in that country). Maybe China, France, UK—even the United States has been considered in some studies. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the rare genetic shifts in the H1N1 avian influenza virus are all responsible for this.
Symptoms of COVID-19 include fever, cough, and shortness of breath. The people at risk include the elderly, people with basic health problems such as asthma, HIV, heart disease and diabetes, and other diseases that endanger the immune system, the CDC said. States.
And the 1918 flu targeted young adults. People between the ages of 20 and 40 accounted for most of all deaths. The influence of the age group over 50 was much less. Perhaps more disturbing is the fact that most of the flu-related deaths of 1918-19 were not due to actual flu disease. According to Politico’s article, “ Spanish influenza catastrophe tells us about coronaviruses ”, secondary coronary pneumonia was found by autopsy pathologists to find lungs comparable to poison gas victims. did.
What we are currently experiencing around the world should be very similar to 102 years ago.
Influenza was beyond imagination in the winter of 1918. Millions have been infected. Thousands have died. The pandemic has affected everyone. With one quarter of the United States and one fifth of the world infected with influenza, it was impossible to hide from the disease.
Looking back at old newspaper articles during the 1918-19 flu outbreak, it sounds like a terrible vision. It is a monster movie that the superhero does not help.
Ah Water town news The headline dated October 14, 1918 states, “Spanish flu is increasing—case number 62.”
In the same article, “Churches, schools, films and theaters comply with the order to close until further advice. In Watertown, incidents are increasing, but people don’t need to worry. Don’t worry, it’s the worst thing possible. “
But worry continued. And local newspapers did their best to calm readers.
“During the Spanish flu epidemic, people should keep their minds and minds right,” October 28, 1918 Water town news Article status. “Don’t worry about that. People can fool themselves off by thinking they’re sick on the calendar, and many are said to have undoubtedly thought of their own grave.”
I was afraid if the Spanish flu did not destroy Watertown.
“While the disease has been held up in Watertown, people have been on a rugged rim of fear and anxiety despite all that can be said in words of encouragement. According to an article on December 16, 1918 , That puzzled the skills of doctors who knew little about the cause and knew little about treatment. Water town news.
Today we continue to learn about this new COVID-19 disease. Pathologists, scientists, physicians—they all come up with treatments, vaccinations, and hopes using first-century medical journals, new findings, and real-time clinical trials of life and death in China and Italy . .
Sharing information has never been easier. Work with colleagues and compromise with friends and family around the world. We are all connected like no other in history. That is one end of the sword.
The other side is that we are all not as connected as in other times in history. What happens to a Chinese old man, spill over to a 5-year-old Italian mother, spill over to a Seattle employee in the fish market that didn’t care yesterday in the world.
We are together. There is a map called history. Let’s learn.
The Watertown Daily Times would like to thank Kenriedle and Tom Schulz for studying this topic on the Watertown News page. The Watertown Daily Times archive at that time was incomplete or unwieldyly broken.
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