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UK Covid-19 infection rate almost doubles in a week

UK Covid-19 infection rate almost doubles in a week


Covid-19 infection rates across the UK have almost doubled in a week.

The UK-wide 7-day incidence is currently 125.7 per 100,000, up from 63.8 per 100,000 a week ago, PA news agency analysis shows.

In terms of daily numbers, as of 9 am on Tuesday, there were 14,542 cases of coronavirus confirmed in the UK.

These tripled in two weeks – 4,926 cases were recorded on 22 September.

Covid-19 cases confirmed daily in the UK
(PA graphics)

The government said as of Tuesday, an additional 76 people had died within 28 days of a Covid-19-positive test.

Currently, more than 58,000 deaths related to Covid-19 are registered in the United Kingdom.

With increasing cases across the UK, Manchester’s prevalence has skyrocketed, with 3,105 new cases recorded in the seven days to October 3, equivalent to 561.6 cases per 100,000.

Health officials also hope that Nottingham will be blocked after the surge in Covid-19 cases.

The city’s infection rate has risen dramatically, with 1,465 new cases recorded in the seven days to October 3. This is equivalent to 440.1 cases per 100,000 people.

This increased from 71.2 per 100,000 in 7 days to September 26th. This is the week when 237 new cases were seen.

Allison Challenger, director of public health in Nottingham, said current city regulations are “no longer sufficient to stop the spread of the virus.”

Other areas of high prevalence are Noseley and Liverpool, while Newcastle upon Tyne, Sheffield and Leeds have recorded significant increases in prevalence over the past seven days.

Health Minister Matt Hancock suggested on Monday that a three-tier blockade system could soon be announced to replace the current restrictions that critics say would lead to confusion.

Earlier, Professor Neil Ferguson of Imperial College London said additional restrictions may be needed across the UK, including the closure of bars and restaurants.

He said stricter measures to reduce household contact may be needed to keep the coronavirus under control while schools and colleges remain open.

He said BBC Radio 4’s Today program could be a “half-year extension” or the closure of hospitality facilities.

He states: “So we are in a more difficult position. If we want to keep the school open, we need to further reduce contact with other areas of society.

“You may have heard of measures being discussed throughout society, such as a half-year extension, where we work together to reduce infections.

“I think we need to consider these measures.”

Professor Ferguson, who led to the original national blockade of modeling, also said contact tracing data showed that going to bars and restaurants was a risk factor for getting the virus.

He states: “If people meet wisely outdoors, the risk is very low.

“I think the risk really comes from meeting indoors in a closed environment.

“Of course, as the weather gets colder, outdoor meetings become less attractive, and people clearly want indoor meetings, but unfortunately the transmissions take place there.”

Professor Ferguson also said the NHS was at risk of dying, hospitalization, and overwhelming doubling the number of beds in Covid-19 patients every two weeks.

He added: “But hospitalizations, beds occupied by Covid patients, and deaths are all follow-up cases, and although they are at low levels, they are basically doubling every two weeks and cannot be continued indefinitely. . NHS is overwhelmed. Again. “

His comment comes after it became clear that it was necessary to reach thousands of positive coronavirus cases that were not initially recorded in the UK due to technical glitches.

According to Downing Street, as of 9:30 am on Tuesday, 63% of the approximately 16,000 people involved were contacted by Test and Trace, completing a contact investigation following a weekend data issue.

Health Minister Matt Hancock admitted that there could have been no technical glitches that blocked nearly 16,000 coronavirus cases recorded in the United Kingdom (Lower House / Pennsylvania).
Health Minister Matt Hancock admitted that technical glitches should never occur (House of Representatives / Pennsylvania)

Hancock addressed the House of Commons, stating that the technical problems with the system that “combined” data from NHS test sites and tests processed by commercial companies “should never have happened,” but the team said. We acted swiftly to minimize its impact. ” “.

Shadow Health Secretary Jonathan Ashworth said the problem with the test was “endangering” and that as many as 48,000 contacts could have been untracked.

Sir Paul Nurse, CEO of the Francis Crick Institute, said today that more needs to be done to encourage smaller laboratories to help improve testing capabilities. It was.

He added: “Of course, especially for community testing, we need a large laboratory.

“But I think the small lab that was launched can provide up to 100,000 tests with a much more efficient turnaround.

“But they need to be encouraged and supported.”

Meanwhile, the MP will vote on Tuesday for a rule that enforces the six-man rule in England.

Boris Johnson urged the MPs to uphold the rules, and his official spokesman described the ban on mixing more than six people as a “wise and helpful” measure.

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