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Watch: Main CDC updates coronavirus case, kills two more


Two more people died of coronavirus in Maine, and state health officials identified 303 cases.

The Maine Centers for Disease Control reported on its website Tuesday morning, with five deaths now and new deaths in Kennebec and York County. MaineGeneral Health stated that one of the deaths occurred at Augusta’s Alfond Center for Health.

The total case count of 303 represents a 28 case increase from Monday, where there were 275 confirmed cases.

According to the Maine’s CDC, 57 people were hospitalized, including 30 in Cumberland County and 13 in York County, and 68 recovered.

Dr. Nilav Shah, director of the Public Health Service, will provide additional details on Tuesday at 11:30 am briefing.

State health officials reported 22 new cases of coronavirus on Monday, bringing the total to 275 throughout the state.

One alarming trend was that 43 of the state’s 275 positive cases recorded by Monday (about 16%) were healthcare workers. Information on healthcare workers was not immediately available among the 303 cases reported on Tuesday.

Shah said the CDC is investigating potential healthcare exposures on Monday, with healthcare workers (doctors, nurses, administrative staff, canteen workers, laundry staff, first responders, etc.) He said he was thankful personally during the work. crisis.

The State of Maine will receive a third shipment of additional personal protective equipment (PPE) from federal government stockpiles on Monday evening. The shipment was expected to include approximately 60,000 N95 masks, 143,000 surgical masks, 31,000 face shields, 25,000 surgical gowns, 1,500 coveralls, and 184,000 gloves.

Shah said these supplies would help ease short-term needs, but said that it would be difficult to judge whether this would be enough in the long run. The State of Maine stated that it had received a “small amount” and repeated the call of Governor Janet Mills to the federal government to release additional supplies, without guarantee.

Someone masked the main lobster man and emptied Portland’s lobster man park. Photos of staff by Shawn Patrick Ouellette /

On Monday, a delegation of the Maine State Legislature joined these efforts in a letter sent to Secretary-General of the Department of Homeland Security Chadwolf. Sens. Susan Collins and Angus King and Reps. Chellie Pingree and Jared Golden wrote that the state “found significant challenges” in obtaining both PPE and chemicals needed for the analysis of coronavirus tests.

“As the oldest state in the country at a median, Maine is particularly vulnerable to the most serious consequences of COVID-19,” the delegation wrote to Wolfe. In addition, the proximity to densely populated areas with active hotspots can lead to evacuation and increase the risk of transmission. Given your role as the head of the department that oversees the coordination of FEMA and the Federal COVID-19 response, Maine receives the necessary supplies and support needed to care for those who suffer from COVID-19, and Be sure to protect it. At risk, including our healthcare professionals and first responders.

For critical medical equipment, Shah said Shah currently has 176 intensive care beds, of which 92 are available and 309 of 309 ventilators are available. In addition, Maine has 87 alternative ventilators that have been approved for use by the federal government.

According to Shah, there are three positive cases at Freeport’s group home, and there are also positive cases in Leeds. Shah cited a recent scientific paper that highlighted the risks to people in collective environments such as nursing homes and shelters.

He notified the facility when the main CDC learned of the case in such a situation and stated that a CDC epidemiologist would investigate. Also ask the facility to notify residents, staff, and family.

He said the CDC would also consider closing the visitor and ask managers to pursue active disinfection of the facility.

Women in their 80s and men in their 60s from Cumberland County were the second and third people in the state to die of COVID-19. Main Disease Control Center Above.

The man worked for the Maine Department of Transportation for a long time, the agency said in a Sunday afternoon news release. Women have not been identified.

Officials recently went on vacation-the agency did not say anywhere-authorities did not return to work later, so authorities said the risk of transmission among his colleagues was low.

On Monday, Cumberland’s Mabel I. Wilson School staff becomes third Jeffrey Porter, principal of Main School District 51, told the community in a letter that he was connected to the school to test for coronavirus positivity.

In elementary schools with 690 students from kindergarten to third grade, one student and two staff members tested positive in less than a week.

Maine reported the first coronavirus death on Friday – a Cumberland County man in his 1980s.

As the coronavirus spreads throughout the state, CDC in Maine is trying to get the medicines and equipment needed to treat patients and keep healthcare workers safe.

Shah said on Monday that the additional chemicals he received last week would allow his lab to perform more than about 2,000 tests. In addition, State Labs has significantly reduced the backlog of pending tests, reducing the recent backlog from 1,300 to 800.

Except for activities such as grocery shopping and exercise, Maine has taken emergency measures, closed schools and “unnecessary” businesses, and encouraged residents to stay indoors.

Amid rising concerns about possible virus outbreaks from out-of-state visitors, the state of Maine posted a message on an electronic signboard along the turnpike in Maine to reach at least 14 percent of people from highly infected areas such as New York. Day.

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