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Hospitalized COVID-19 patients are younger and healthier than influenza patients

Hospitalized COVID-19 patients are younger and healthier than influenza patients
Hospitalized COVID-19 patients are younger and healthier than influenza patients


Hospitalized COVID-19 patients are younger and healthier than influenza patients

Credits: Columbia University Irving Medical Center

According to a recent study published by Observing Health Data Science and Informatics (OHDSI), patients admitted with COVID-19 were younger men, had fewer comorbidities than admitted influenza patients in both the United States and Spain, and had less comorbidities It was used less. community.

OHDSI, along with the Central Coordinating Center at Columbia University’s Faculty of Biomedical Informatics, has established an international network of researchers and observational health databases.

This global network study of more than 34,000 COVID-19 patients from three continents provides a more detailed description of the characteristics of patients suffering from the disease and informs inpatient care decisions. I am aiming.

A study entitled “The Deep Phenotype of 34,128 Adult Patients Admitted to COVID-19 in an International Network Study” was published on October 6th. Nature Communications..

Patients hospitalized for COVID-19 were more commonly male in the United States and Spain, but more often female in South Korea. Patients varied in age, but in Spain and the United States, the most common age group was 60-75 years. Patients hospitalized for influenza were usually older and more likely to be female than those hospitalized for COVID-19.

Many patients admitted with COVID-19 were found to be in other health conditions. For example, across data sources, the prevalence of hypertensive disorders ranged from 24% to 70%, diabetes from 13% to 43%, and asthma from 4% to 15%. However, nevertheless, patients with COVID-19 were generally seen as healthy when compared to those who were recently hospitalized for influenza. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), cardiovascular disease, and dementia were all more common among people hospitalized with influenza compared to those hospitalized with COVID-19.

“This study provided a better understanding of the profile of patients admitted with COVID-19,” said co-author Edward Burn. “Despite recent debates about poor health and life expectancy limits for COVID-19 patients, we find that COVID-19 patients are not as ill as those who are usually hospitalized for influenza. Further emphasizes the high mortality rate of COVID-19. Patients. “

The study was initiated during the 88-hour global interdisciplinary collaboration OHD SICOVID-19 Stadiatone. Early COVID-19 data, provided by the Korean Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service (HIRA), empowered the community to generate some of the early multinational studies during the pandemic. All analysis is performed at individual sites. This means you don’t have to share patient-level data to maintain patient privacy.

“The most interesting part of this study was that we were able to provide details of patient characteristics throughout the facility without compromising privacy,” said co-author, who led the effort to map HIRA data to OHDSI. Said Seng Chan You. Common data model. “It’s important to know that this is possible because we don’t know what will happen next. When is the next pandemic? Whatever happens, it provides important patient characteristics that enable collaborative global research. We know what we can do. “

This study was developed and carried out by the OHDSI community, an interdisciplinary collaboration of multiple stakeholders that serves to unlock the value of health data through extensive analysis. All solutions are open source and have links to research protocols, code, and results in the paper.

“Open science and collaboration are the beliefs of the OHDSI community and have never been more important than in the early days of this pandemic,” said Patrick Ryan, co-author of the study. “Our community has worked together over the years to develop high-level analyses that set the course for these studies. Due to our belief in sharing patient data openly, this reliability Was able to generate highly reproducible COVID patient data. We will fight this disease. “

“This study is the foundational work for future joint evidence generation by both OHDSI and the EHDEN Consortium mapping additional COVID data across Europe,” said co-lead author Daniel Priet Alhambra. I am. “Explain COVID-19 baseline demographics, clinical features, treatments and outcomes Overall, stratification by gender, age, and specific comorbidities has a significant impact on this pandemic decision-making. We are cooperating globally in these studies. ”

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For more information:
Deep phenotype of 34,128 adult patients admitted with COVID-19 in Edward Burn et al. International Network Study, Nature Communications (2020). DOI: 10.1038 / s41467-020-18849-z

Quote: Hospitalized COVID-19 patients are influenza patients (2020) obtained on October 6, 2020 from https: // Younger and healthier than (October 6, 2014)

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