The virus spread “in a very worrying way”, killing 5 people and creating 611 new ones
There were five new deaths of Covid-19 and 611 new cases recorded today.
Currently, there are a total of 1,816 Covid-related deaths in Ireland.
Currently, there are a total of 39,584 confirmed cases of Covid in Ireland.
- 303 is male, 305 is female
- 59% of these new cases are under 45 years
- 50% are intimate contact with cases that have been identified or confirmed to be associated with an outbreak
- 83 cases were identified as community infections
- There were 218 new cases in Dublin, 63 in Cork, 60 in Donegal, 35 in Galway and 31 in Kildare, with the remaining 204 spanning 21 counties.
Dr. Tony Holohan, Chief Medical Officer of the Ministry of Health, said all key indicators of the disease had worsened three days after the last meeting of NPHET on Sunday, October 4.
“Covid-19 is spreading to our community in a very worrying way. We need to break the chain of these infections.”
He added that 80 Covid-19 cases were hospitalized in August, 206 in September and 77 in October.
“A total of four Covid-19-related deaths were reported in August, 34 were reported in September, and eight Covid-19-related deaths were reported this month today.”
Dr. Ronan Glynn, Deputy Chief Medical Officer of the Ministry of Health, said trends in case numbers and incidence are now reflected in indicators of disease severity.
“The number of hospitalized people increased from 122 last Thursday to 156 this afternoon. There are now 25 critical care patients compared to 20 a week ago.”
Professor Philip Nolan, chair of the NPHET Ireland Epidemiology Modeling Advisory Group, said the number of cases and hospitalizations are increasing exponentially.
“Currently, the number of reproductions is estimated to be 1.2. If virus infections nationwide cannot be reduced immediately, 1,100 to 1,500 cases and 300 to 450 people can be hospitalized per day by November 7. There is sex. ”
“I encourage everyone to remember what they can do at the individual level to control the virus and prevent a surge in hospital demand.
“Currently, the average length of stay for Covid-19 patients is 20 days in hospital and 14 days in the ICU,” said Dr. Siobhán Ni Bhriain, a psychiatrist and HSE integrated care lead.
“The ICU is the last stop in the treatment route for any illness.
“Focus on prevention and follow public health advice to make care channels available to as many people and treatments as possible.”
The positive rate of the test is 4% nationwide and the reproductive rate is 1.2-1.4. But outside of Dublin, growth is high at 1.5 or 1.6, a situation that Dr. Nolan said he was worried about.
“This means that if nothing changes, the number of cases will double every 18 days, and I hope the situation changes.”
The virus has spread to men and women of all ages. “There are 170 cases per 100,000 people in a week of 19 to 24 years. [age group]..
“At the beginning of September, we examined 10 to 15 cases per 100,000 people aged 65 and over. We are currently examining 30 cases. [per 100,000], Triple cases in 4 weeks. “
Dr. Holohan also said that people should not blame others for catching the virus. “This is a highly contagious disease … don’t blame each other.”
He said that if the virus was stigmatized, people might become afraid to come forward for testing.
Nphet is also worried about nursing homes. Dr. Holohan said last week that seven nursing homes reported cases, there were five more cases so far this week, and there are more than five nursing homes in the country with more than 20 cases.
Dr. Holohan also said that after they reported 828 new cases today, they were “not too late” to the north regarding the cases. Dr. Holohan said cooperation between the North and South would continue.
All briefing participants emphasized that increasing the capacity of the ICU is not a clear solution, and their purpose is to stop the spread of the disease and prevent people from being hospitalized in the first place.
The Christmas celebration was also mentioned at the conference, and Dr. Philip Nolan said that if people change their behavior now, the incident could be controlled before the holiday season.
“If you do the right thing for the next three weeks, you can save Christmas,” he said.
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