Scarlet fever has revived after being infected with a toxic virus, researchers say
The scarlet fever epidemic was deadly to children around the world in the 1800s, but in recent decades, with the help of antibiotics, concerns about the disease have largely disappeared from the minds of medical professionals.
Key Point:
- Bacteria that cause scarlet fever have acquired a toxin called a superantigen.
- It is believed to have influenced the recent outbreak of scarlet fever in Asia and the United Kingdom.
- Researchers say superantigens have increased the toxicity of the disease
Recently, however, the bacteria that cause scarlet fever have mutated and are resurrected.
New research by scientists at the University of Queensland (UQ) in collaboration with scientists around the world Streptococcus pyogenes Bacteria are growing stronger after being infected with the virus.
Mark Walker, director of the UQ Australian Center for Infectious Diseases Research, co-authored a paper on a topic recently published in the journal Nature.
Professor Walker said they started investigating Streptococcus pyogenes After it occurred in Asia in 2011 and in the United Kingdom in 2014.
Between 2014 and 2018, the United Kingdom National Health Service reported a 68% increase in reports of Streptococcus pyogenes.
Scarlet fever was once widely feared by parents because it has a severe impact on children.
Historically, septic complications such as brain abscess, meningitis, lung abscess, pneumonia, osteomyelitis (bone infection), middle ear and soft tissue infections can cause premature death following scarlet fever. There is sex.
According to ABC Health and Wellbeing Typical symptoms of scarlet fever are sore throat, sudden high fever, swollen lymph nodes in the neck, and a rough, bright red rash on the stomach and limbs...
“Three new genes”
Professor Walker said that viruses that infect bacteria may seem bad for bacteria, but this is not always the case.
“One of the big prominences for us was the presence of these three new genes,” he said.
Professor Walker said the gene was “floating” for some time, but only recently it turned out to come from three viruses that all came together.
“It was pretty surprising,” he said.
“They (bacteria) seem to have acquired many toxins called superantigens,” Walker said.
“These things can provoke the body’s own immunity, which in turn causes fever and a rash.
“We were able to together show that these three toxins increased the toxicity of Streptococcus pyogenes It also improved colony formation in animal models. “
“You can better colonize your host.”
Professor Walker said the usual scientific thinking was that viruses that infect bacteria are bad for them.
“But in this case, the bacterial virus carries three new toxins, and when it infects the bacteria, it carries those toxins, giving the bacteria this additional pathogenic potential.
“Suppose this allows the bacteria to colonize the host.
“Because bacteria can last longer in children … we think this new combination of toxins has time to work and that will trigger this resurrection.”
Professor Walker said the toxin is particularly invasive as some target white blood cells. This is usually an important defense against foreign bacteria.
“These toxins allow the bacteria to escape the white blood cells that come to the site of infection,” he said.
Professor Walker said scarlet fever did not cause fatal infections as before, but it is important to continue to emphasize infectious disease and vaccine research as the outbreak continues.
“There is no vaccine, and what I used to rely on is antibiotics that help treat infections when they occur,” he said.
“”Streptococcus pyogenes It is still sensitive to many antibiotics, but it is also becoming more resistant.
“Developing vaccines to control infection is a really important concept and goal.”
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