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Combination of HIV drugs that are ineffective as a treatment for coronavirus: research

Combination of HIV drugs that are ineffective as a treatment for coronavirus: research


Ann HIV The combination of drugs was found to be ineffective for inpatient treatment Coronavirus Patients, according to a new study.

In a large randomized trial of England.. The researchers found no significant difference in 28-day mortality improvement among other measurements between patients receiving lopinavir-ritonavir and those receiving conventional standard treatment.

The findings came from the RECOVERY trial, which is testing the range of potential coronavirus treatments in 176 hospitals across the UK. Release At lancet on Monday.

This combination was proposed as an antiviral treatment for COVID-19 because both HIV and coronavirus block the action of an enzyme called protease that is required to make an infectious virus.

A new study proves that the combination of HIV drugs is ineffective in treating patients with coronavirus in the hospital.  (IStock)

A new study proves that the combination of HIV drugs is ineffective in treating patients with coronavirus in the hospital. (IStock)

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In the lopinavir-ritonavir study, 1,616 patients were randomly assigned to the group (400 mg and 100 mg tablets, respectively, for 10 days or until discharge), and 3,424 patients received only routine care.

“Overall, 374 (23%) patients assigned to lopinavir-ritonavir and 767 (22%) assigned to conventional treatment died within 28 days,” the author writes. I am. Treatment of patients hospitalized with COVID-19. “

A Previous studies on drug combinations The same conclusion was reached: it showed no benefit to taking the drug. The study, conducted in Beijing, involved 199 seriously ill people with pneumonia caused by COVID-19. Researchers randomly assigned some to receive medication, lopinavir, ritonavir, and standard treatment. Others received standard treatment alone.

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However, the authors of the RECOVERY trial said, “The trial was too small to rule out potential clinically relevant benefits, and commentators recommended large randomized trials to confirm or refute the lack of efficacy.” Criticized.

“While the lopinavir-ritonavir, dexamethasone, and hydroxychloroquine groups are currently discontinued, (recovery) trials continue to study the effects of azithromycin, tocilizumab, convalescent plasma, and REGN-CoV2,” the author said. Is writing.

The authors also previously recommended drug combinations as “first-line or second-line” treatments for COVID-19 in many countries, and since the preliminary results of the study were published on June 29, World Health Institution (WHO) Also, due to ineffectiveness, the group was suspended in the SOLIDARITY trial for drug combinations.

Christopher Carbone of Fox News contributed to this report.

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