Plexiglas probably won’t help to prevent the Covid-19 epidemic in the VP debate
Plexiglas barrier installed in Vice Presidential Debate on WednesdayScientists say they won’t provide much protection against the new coronavirus, which is the subject of much controversy among candidates.
Problem: See-through shields appear to provide additional protection, but rarely prevent Small levitating particles Because it spreads around the room.
“It’s like the Covid-19 Theater,” said Sherry Miller, a professor of mechanical engineering at the University of Colorado at Boulder, who studied the coronavirus hyperproliferation event. “Your plexiglass barrier is not going to protect you from it.”
Other precautions being implemented for the debate may help, but more should be done to protect against infection, says Dr. Miller and other scientists.
Preventing the spread of the coronavirus in the debate has become a new urgency in recent years after President Trump, more than a dozen administrative staff and external advisors. Covid-19 test positive..
Reduce the risk of covid-19 indoors
Vice President Mike Pence, who was close to the president before being tested positive, has been in good health so far. He and his wife, Karen Pence, did a negative test on Wednesday, officials said. Senator Kamala Harris, a Democratic vice presidential candidate, also conducted a negative test Wednesday morning, the aide said.
To reduce the risk of infectious diseases, the presidential debate committee Implemented some measures at the debate This includes a late last week agreement at the University of Utah to have Pence and Harris sit about 12 feet apart rather than the original 7-foot plan.
Also, according to a Utah University spokesman, everyone who participates in the debate is negative on the Covid-19 test and must wear a mask within a safe boundary within the debate hall. Candidates and moderators are not expected to wear masks during the debate.
A spokeswoman said the ventilation system in the debate hall and other campus buildings was upgraded this summer. Today, the system uses a powerful air filter called the MERV 13 that can trap and remove a significant number of small and large particles as air passes through the system.
Aerosol scientists and other researchers who have been studying the virus for several months have other large respiratory droplets that can be released when a candidate speaks, coughs, or sneezes. He praised the extra distance between the candidates, saying that he would almost completely prevent them from reaching the people.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention believes that the infection spreads primarily through large droplets between people in close contact.
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However, some scientists have expressed concern that the virus can spread through small airborne particles. The CDC acknowledged this week that the virus can be transmitted through small particles, which can remain in the air for minutes to hours and travel long distances.
Also, according to a Utah University spokesman, the ventilation system in the room exchanges air about twice an hour, which is less frequent than most scientists generally recommend.
Donald Milton, a professor of environmental and occupational health at the University of Maryland’s School of Public Health, mentioned the Superspreader: “If anyone is a Superspreader, there may still be risks in this situation.” I did.Co-authored by Milton Letter sent to the debate committee This week, airborne particles warn that “it could reach everyone in the room, and it could.”
To better prevent infection Ventilation rate needs to be increased According to Professor Lindsay Ma, who specializes in aerial transmission of the virus at Virginia Tech, everyone in the hall, including candidates and moderators, must wear a mask.
“We especially want people who are talking to wear masks,” she said.
Write to Caitlin McCave [email protected]
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