Now the CDC confirms that COVID-19 is in the air — this is what it means to you – NECN
Disease Control Center Revised COVID-19 guidelines Includes on Monday that a new coronavirus can spread through aerosols. Aerosols “stay in the air for minutes to hours” and can travel more than 6 feet.
Previously, it was understood that the coronavirus spreads through the respiratory droplets that occur when an infected person coughs, sneezes, sings, talks, or breathes, but experts say it is the main spread. I still believe it is the way to go. But now, experts agree that aerial propagation is an important part of the COVID-19 puzzle.
“I’m pretty confident that there are some factors [of airborne transmission], ”White House Advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci Said on wednesday..
Here’s how to interpret these new guidelines to ensure your safety:
What does it mean that the coronavirus is levitating?
So what is the difference between a virus that spreads through respiratory droplets and an airborne virus? It depends on the size of the droplets and how they move.
Respiratory droplets are larger than aerosols, which are fine droplets or particles. Due to its size and weight, larger respiratory droplets are “sprayed on nearby people like small shells,” usually within 6 feet of the source, in seconds, according to a paper published in the journal on Monday. It will fall to the ground. ScienceCalled for stronger public health guidance on how the virus travels and spreads in the air.
Viruses in aerosols, on the other hand, are small and do more than just fall. It can float in the air for minutes or hours and be inhaled.
An easy way to visualize how these suspended particles work is to think about how cigarette smoke remains and is inhaled, says Lindsay, co-author of the paper and professor of engineering at Virginia Tech.・ Ma said as follows. Monday press conference.. Like smoke, aerosols can accumulate in confined spaces, such as poorly ventilated rooms and places where people are breathing hard.
According to the CDC, aerosolized particles are much smaller than droplets, but they can be concentrated enough to spread COVID-19 to others.
How to prevent aerial infection of COVID-19
The best way to prevent the spread of COVID-19 is to wear a mask, maintain social distance and avoid large indoor gatherings. Remember: When people are in close contact with each other, the virus spreads primarily through respiratory droplets.
Wearing a standard two-layer cloth mask can add a protective layer to prevent the spread of respiratory droplets. However, they do not provide sufficient protection to filter airborne or aerosolized particles, The N95 respiratory system can do that. However, the CDC states that N95 respiratory organs should be preserved for healthcare professionals and other medical first responders.
Keep in mind that indoor meetings with people outside the home (especially in poorly ventilated areas) increase the risk of infection due to the potential for airborne spread. Going back to the smoking analogy, imagine someone smoking a cigarette with you in a room. “What if everyone in such a situation smokes? Are you going to be exposed? Do you smoke a lot of cigarettes? If yes, do something to change the situation You have to do it, “Mah said. release..
In addition to wearing a mask to maintain social distance Use of portable air purifier It’s one way to reduce pollutants in the air in space. Another way to improve ventilation is to open the windows to introduce clean air into the space.
September, CDC Posted a draft of the revised guidelines The update was removed because it contained information about airborne spread. Authorities said it was still in the process of updating its recommendations when they were accidentally published.
A new guideline released on Monday states that “COVID-19-infected individuals are more than 6 feet away, or COVID-19-positive individuals have been infected with others shortly after leaving the area, indicating a limited and unusual situation. Report made “is quoted. statement..
This article was first published on Other articles on CNBC:
What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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