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Oregon Health Lab is running the Governor Kate Brown COVID-19 test with conflicting guidelines. news


Now it is certain: Governor Kate Brown has no novel coronavirus.

That’s the conclusion that 59-year-old Brown returned when he decided to test “with due care” Monday after the OPB Asked about She is showing signs of illness.

“The test has returned negatively,” said Brown reporter Charles Boyle on Tuesday morning.

However, for Oregon people who have difficulty obtaining tests, and for Oregon people who face waiting days for results, the news can raise other issues.

According to Boyle, Brown was able to take advantage of restricted resources for others with similar symptoms. The Oregon Public Health Institute, bound by the test, analyzed the results of the governor.

“The test was arranged yesterday afternoon by her attending physician and sent to the state laboratory to process the test,” Boyle wrote.

Oregon Governor Kate Brown announced on March 16, 2020, a restaurant closed at a press conference in Portland, Oregon.

Oregon Governor Kate Brown announced on March 16, 2020, a restaurant closed at a press conference in Portland, Oregon.

Kaylee Domzalski / OPB

A quick test may reassure Brown as she directs her response to the evolving crisis, but a state public health officer, overseen by the Governor, may qualify for the test. Seems to fly against the strict standards set in

OHA officials have stated in recent weeks that the public health laboratory’s testing capacity has been severely limited and needs to be reserved for the most severe cases. People who seem to have a cold, such as Brown, are not eligible.

“The Oregon State Institute of Public Health is working to prioritize these tests for people with the most serious illness,” says Dr. Dean Sidelinger, a state epidemiologist. Told reporters on March 12. He noted that these patients included people hospitalized for viral pneumonia, cases at high risk of exposure, and rapid testing of facilities where the disease was detected, such as nursing homes.

Many of the criteria set by Sidelinger are FAQ from Oregon Health ServiceHigh-priority patients hospitalized for viral pneumonia, those with symptoms in long-term care facilities and prisons, and those with symptoms “at risk to vulnerable populations” are mentioned.

“ For others with mild illness, it is recommended that you stay home while you recover, as the majority will recover without the need for intervention, ” said Sidelinger on March 12. Said. He also needed, “Commercial laboratory testing is available, and many of our local hospital systems are also strengthening their efforts to test.

State approach to Public Health Institute resources. Do It seems to have changed a bit in the last few weeks, but in a more limited direction, not less.

Oregonian / Oregon Live Reported last week The state refused to order extensive testing at the Washington County Support and Living Center, where COVID-19 emerged, while previously conducting such tests at a previously occurring Lynn County Veteran Facility. Residents of both facilities are considered particularly vulnerable to the disease.

Dyandering, a spokesman for the state joint information center on COVID-19 compliance, confirmed that state laboratories still have stringent standards.

“Private and private labs offer expanded capacity for individuals whose providers want to test but do not meet those standards,” wrote Darling.

That seems likely to apply to Brown, who started feeling sick later last week, her office said Monday. Brown’s husband, Dan Little, also had symptoms and had been tested for COVID-19. Testing has returned to negative.

Her office said she had not been screened for the disease early Monday, following her husband’s test. It turned out in the afternoon and her doctor arranged the test and sent it to the State Laboratory.

Asked how Brown’s test qualified for the State Laboratory, and if she was prioritized because she was the state’s CEO, Boyle provided a brief response: “The Governor’s Test Was managed by her attending physician, “he wrote.

Darling, along with the state’s Coronavirus Collaborative Information Center, returned questions about the governor’s test to Boyle.

Testing for lack of capacity is a major hurdle as Oregon and other states seek to respond quickly to the expansion of COVID-19.

Although testing in public health labs is limited, state officials have recently signaled that commercial labs such as Quest Diagnostics and LabCorp will expand their testing capabilities. Local hospital systems are also working to enhance testing.

According to the OHA, as of Monday morning, 12,883 people were tested in the state.


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