Pubs and restaurants: Do scientists think Covid’s closure and curfew will work? | Coronavirus Outbreak
Scottish pubs, bars and restaurants Prohibition of alcohol For customers for more than 2 weeks indoors Pub in northern England Face the possibility of stricter restrictions.. But what does science say?
Are pubs and restaurants important for the spread of Covid-19?
Occurs frequently Start in a crowded indoor environmentOn cruise ships, conferences, bars, restaurants, etc., transmissions go beyond that and occur at home, for example.according to it the study Quoted by Dr. Michael Head, Senior Research Fellow, Global Health, University of Southampton.
Professor Linda Bold, a public health expert at the University of Edinburgh, noted and agreed with contact tracing data from Aberdeen. Where the local blockade was imposed for 3 weeks In August, it was shown that a small number of infected people invaded hospitality facilities, causing the outbreak.
“The idea of restricting or completely closing access to pubs and restaurants is decent in that it can break the chain of infections and reduce the number of super-spreading events, which reduces new outbreaks. It should have a positive impact, so subsequent transmissions, “said Head.
Why focus on alcohol?
Alcohol consumption has generally been shown to reduce suppression and increase risk-taking behavior. “There are a lot of psychology studies that look at how people behave when they are drunk in an indoor space, and the evidence is not unique to Covid,” says Bauld.
Under researchin progress Experts say that the behavioral effects of resuming a pub may have an impact on infections.
“It’s hard for people to do everything they’re supposed to do when they’re [in those settings]And, despite the best efforts of the staff, it’s very difficult to crack down on it effectively, “Bold said.
How about the curfew at 10 pm?
According to experts, this seems more suspicious. “I’m confused about why shifting the closing time an hour ago has a tangible effect to this day,” said Head. “I think the idea was to reduce the amount of time people spend in taverns,” Bold added, adding that as customers get more tired and drunk, it can be harder for staff to monitor the rules.
However, there seems to be little basis for a curfew. “I’ve never seen a study saying it’s time for you to reduce [serving alcohol] Off, “Bold said. “Looking at what scholars are saying about the curfew, we can’t really identify a public health person who thought it was a great idea.”
Policies can be counterproductive, with people going to pubs early, gathering outside after closing, or buying alcohol for consumption at home rallies, Head said. .. “The actual impact is [the 10pm curfew] At best, it was trivial, and in the worst case it would have had negative consequences. ”
Do I need to close pubs, bars and restaurants if there are many cases?
“In my view, pubs and restaurants should be closed in burdensome areas, and restaurant owners and staff need to fully compensate for lost income,” Head said. He mentioned new evidence that it wasn’t just big droplets from coughing and conversation. However, its small airborne particles, called aerosols, can also play a role.
“It’s useful to reduce the alcohol provided so that people stay on their table, but that doesn’t completely eliminate the risk, and there is still a significant risk of infection,” he says. I did.
There is also a Superspreader, Bold pointed out. “If there were such people in such a place, it would be a disaster,” she said.
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