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Tutu Girls: A Group of Young Cancer Survivors Reunited

Tutu Girls: A Group of Young Cancer Survivors Reunited


All three girls, seven or so years old, were diagnosed with leukemia in 2016 and met at Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital in St. Petersburg, Florida, where they became best friends. At the hospital, they sang together and played a rosy ring. They shared popsicles and kept each other’s company while receiving brutal treatment.

That year, a tradition was born when they took pictures in a hospital in a purple tutu with a fourth young cancer survivor, Chloe Grimes.

“We knew very little about them forming this bond,” said Alyssa Luciano, Avalin’s mother in Inglewood, Florida. “To them, they were just children.”

Tutu and photos were the idea of ​​Chloe’s mom, Jackie Grimes. She thought it would be a good way to raise awareness about childhood cancer. The hospital was happy to share their story about resilience and friendship.

After the girls had finished their treatment, close mothers, all in Florida, organized an annual reunion. Once upon a time, they met in the park. At other times, they gathered at the hospital. The girls always wore tutu, but changed from purple to gold, a color that symbolizes the youth’s fight against cancer.

“It has become their tradition,” said Luciano, the annual meetup. “They love it.”

One year, they wore their gold tutu on a reunion with a T-shirt that reflected their difficult journey. Some read “warrior” and others read “brave,” “fearless,” and “strong.”

When the coronavirus pandemic broke out, mothers realized that this year’s direct reunion was out of the question, but they didn’t want to skip it. They used zoom instead to please the tutu girl.

During a virtual reunion last month, four excited friends wore tutu again, comparing the number of lost baby teeth. McKinley lost the most at 7 o’clock. They updated each other about pets and the quest for pets, and McKinley recently cut her hair and shared that she and her companions donated it for sick children as they did.

“I wish I could hug you guys,” McKinley said. “I too” other people called out.

“Lauren, how are you guys?” McKinley asked after her friend suffered a cancer recurrence in 2018 and needed additional treatment.

“Hmm, yeah,” Lauren smiled with a flower headband instead of her hair. Lauren brought laughter from a companion who knew everything about her when she joked, “I had to stay in the hospital for 150 years!”

When Lauren had to return to the hospital in 2018, the Tutu girl got her back. They returned to the visit to cheer her up and brought a smile around her. They left a picture on the window of her hospital room to remind them of their bond.

In a recent Zoom interview with The Associated Press, three of the four tutu girls reunited. Chloe’s mom couldn’t attend due to schedule conflicts. The other three shared their Halloween appointments. Lauren will be the fox, Ava will be Ariel in The Little Mermaid, and McKinley will be dressed as Evi. From the movie “Descendants”. And they shared what they liked most with each other.

“Be stupid together,” Ava said.

“We all like to be healthy,” she said.

New York Associated Press writer Emily Reschner contributed to this story.

While non-stop news about the effects of the coronavirus has become commonplace, there are also kind stories. “One Good Thing” is a series of AP stories that focus on the sparkle of joy and mercy in the dark. Read the series here: https: //

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