Why America is scary and confused: even experts are wrong
When the CDC tries to be frank-especially epidemic expert Nancy Messonier told reporters in February that Americans needed to prepare for the expansion of the sick community and “serious confusion” to life. When-The White House immediately enhances competition and gives more reassuring messages.
Since then, the CDC has played a small role in communicating with the general public about the pandemic. And their remarks do not always exactly match those of the White House Task Force.
“To be frank,” Frieden said. “What Dr. Nancy Messonier said was accurate and at the right time,” he said, hoping that the CDC was generally briefing “every day, every day.” Instead, major public health agencies have been diverted to communication bystanders.
John Auerbach, head of the nonpartisan Trust for America’s Health, said public health officials were generally clear about what they knew and what they did not know. However, this was not necessarily the case with elected officials, “sometimes issuing definitive statements that proved to be untrue.”
CDC’s own failure to test hurt President Donald Trump’s position in the circle. In addition, delays in testing also hindered public health response, as experts were unable to determine how quickly the virus spread and how quickly it spread.
CDC was not always a message.
For example, two weeks ago, when the White House announced a campaign to increase social distance and urged people not to gather in groups above 10, the CDC said yesterday’s recommendations to avoid groups under 50. Was posted on the website.
This week, CDC director Robert Redfield conducted an unusual local radio interview highlighting that asymptomatic individuals can be transmitted to others. In the early days of the epidemic, scientists had no definitive evidence of asymptomatic infection and did not emphasize it as a risk.
Former director of Richard Besser, former director of the CDC, which runs the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, former director of the former CDC, cannot hear directly from the government about its lack of visibility, that is, what the public has learned That said it undermines trust.
“Trust is an important factor,” Besser said. “Be transparent and build trust by routinely explaining what you know and don’t know, and what you’re doing to get more information.”
Civil servants are still everywhere as to whether the public should wear a mask. Also, if you change your recommendations and encourage people to wear it, you must first tell the public that it is more important to keep the virus from spreading than to catch it. Second, it does not replace social distance. Third, unlike social media presentations, previous advice was based on the best science available at the time, but not because of a lack of masks.
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