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Scientists warn that the new Covid limits are “not enough” as the blockade split expands


Division of coping method UK increase in coronavirus cases Scientists in government Proposed curb I don’t go enough.

The minister Plans reportedly Order the temporary closure of pubs, bars and restaurants in the coronavirus hotspot, as well as order fresh financial packages to support the hardest hit areas and industries.

Boris Johnson He is expected to outline the measures when announcing the new three-tier local Blockade Next week’s system. Other plans, allegedly under consideration, can also instruct hundreds of thousands of vulnerable people living in coronavirus hotspots to protect this winter.

However, members of the government’s scientific advisory group for emergencies (Sage)Said The closure was unlikely to withdraw the proceedings and should have been imposed by England Scottish style circuit breaker -Watch the hospitality venue close completely in a short period of time-a few weeks ago.

Experts also attacked “fringe” blockade epidemiologists who feared they were receiving too much attention.An international group of medical professionals this week Asked the government to pursue herd immunity Among young people while isolating the vulnerable.

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Experts endorsed Scottish-style “Circuit Breaker” (PA)

Sage professor John Edmonds said Thursday about the blockade of the “circuit breaker” I needed it right away To avoid many hospitalizations and deaths due to the coronavirus. He said: “I would rather do it now, and we now feel pain.”

However, after the proposal was leaked, there was growing opposition from local leaders and hospitality groups.Local leaders criticized the government for not consulting the mayor of Manchester prior to the change. Andy Burnham He said he would challenge any closure.

The British Beer & Pub Association (BBPA) also speaks of stricter blockades in the north. England It can “destroy” local pubs. Trade associations are already subject to more restrictions in addition to the already “very difficult” period for the sector, as the curfew at 10 pm, 6 rules, and services are limited to tables. Said that consumer confidence would be significantly reduced.

As a member of parliament in the north was warned, NHS Can be overwhelmed by the increase in new cases Coronavirus Hotspot.

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Some hospitals are set to run out of beds for coronavirus patients within a week (PA)

The Guardian reported that some hospitals were set to run out of beds for coronavirus patients within a week. Matt Ashton, LiverpoolPublic health director told the paper that confidence in two major acute hospitals in Liverpool could fill up by the end of next week.

“I don’t want to panic people, but within 7 to 10 days our hospital will be at the level they were at the peak of the pandemic,” he said.

The most-cased parliamentarians representing the Midlands and northern England constituencies were briefed Thursday by Supreme Scientific Advisor Chris Whitti.

One of the people who took part in the call said it suggests that the NHS may not be able to respond as the number of cases continues to grow in the area. They said an early analysis by the UK Public Health Service showed a graph, suggesting that hospitality is a major cause of the spread of the infection.

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Meanwhile, the minister acknowledged that the situation was “out of control” and said action from Whitehall was needed.

In the UK, the increase in new cases was the highest ever, with an additional 17,540 cases confirmed in the lab reported on Thursday.

Skill Minister Gillian Keegan Said at the BBC question time : “This is serious. It’s getting out of control and we have to do something to get it back in control.”

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(Sage experts said the coronavirus was “holding a gun” in the PA on Boris Johnson’s head.)

Stephen Griffin, an associate professor at the University of Leeds School of Medicine, said the increase in cases “should warn the government to take further action without delay.”

“If we can’t overcome this increase, it’s clear that the consequences of not adequately controlling the infection during the summer may be serious,” he said.


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