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The northeast suppressed the virus. Now the cases are increasing again.

The northeast suppressed the virus. Now the cases are increasing again.


In Boston, the volatile increase in coronavirus cases has canceled plans to return children to school. New virus clusters are emerging in Rhode Island, Connecticut, Maryland, and Pennsylvania.New York City currently has a new daily number of cases Over 500 on average for the first time since June..

Devastated by the coronavirus in the northeast in spring, then Infection control model By summer, we will see the first inking of what could be the second wave of the virus, the ominous outlook for this region, and sharp warnings to other parts of the country.

With the rise of new incidents, state and local authorities have reversed their course and tightened restrictions on businesses, schools and outdoor spaces.

New Jersey with increasing hospitalizations and higher infection rates Almost doubled The town has grown to nearly eight per 100,000 people and has closed parks and picnic areas to discourage people from gathering.Governor Gina Raimondo of Rhode Island Extension of restaurant capacity limit For another month, I was worried about the rise of the state in confirmed cases.

On Thursday, several mayors from all over New York Rushed to quarantine After attending a press conference with another mayor who later discovered that he was infected with the corona virus.

Michael Osterholm, an infectious disease expert at the University of Minnesota, said in the early days of the U.S. outbreak, many of New York and the northeast were of the virus in physical distance and masking, as much in Europe did. He said he successfully suppressed propagation.

“The point is that when you release the brakes, you will eventually come back slowly,” Osterholm said.

In many respects, the northeast remains very strong, especially compared to current hotspots for viruses, including the Midwest and the Great Plains.

Since spring, the number of cases in the northeast has plummeted overall. The region, which runs from Maine to Pennsylvania, kills an average of about 60 people a day, the lowest in the country. According to the Covid Tracking Project.. Approximately 2,800 people are admitted to hospitals in the region, accounting for 8% of all inpatients nationwide. These numbers are small compared to spring, when tens of thousands of people in the northeast were hospitalized on a particular day and had a morgue. Missing body bag..

Still, the number of people in hospitals (a clear measure of those most severely affected by the outbreak) is Slightly upward trend again In the northeast. About 1,000 people have been hospitalized since last month, and daily reports of new cases are starting to increase again, and we are worried about what winter will bring.

“In places like New York and other states in the northeast, more classic second-wave phenomena can occur,” said Dr. Larry Chan, an infectious disease expert at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. autumn. “Most people expect things to get a little worse.”

There are several possible reasons for the upward trend in cases. In the past few weeks, the air has suddenly cooled, forcing people to relax in a sunny indoor park. The students returned to school and college campuses. And the people of the northeast, who were one of the first to take the virus seriously, may simply be tired when they go out, after months of social distance and wearing masks. not.

“We are all exhausted from it,” said Daniel Onpad, an infectious disease epidemiologist at New York University. “I have to admit that this is not easy.”

The first glance of the resurrection has plagued public health professionals and many coronavirus survivors in the area as well.

Laura Gross, 72, from Fort Lee, NJ, was infected with the virus in March and is still seeing a doctor and suffering from considerable fatigue. With the increasing number of incidents, she is afraid of what will happen next.Most people infected with the virus Develop antibodiesI don’t know how long the immunity will last.

“I have a fair amount of antibodies, what does that mean?” She said. “I’m really worried. I don’t leave home except to go to the doctor. I wear a mask. I don’t go to the grocery store.”

In New York City, the percentage of positive tests among all the tests performed remains low, about 1.5%, Recent outbreaks in the Orthodox Jewish quarter It provides new warnings about how quickly the virus spreads.

City epidemiologists are deeply distrustful of secular authority in Brooklyn, home to a tightly-knit Hasidic group with few people wearing masks or social distances. It has linked many new cases to the outbreak in one corner. According to officials, some incidents date back to large-scale weddings, but by late August, what had begun as a localized outbreak had spread. Incidents have begun to increase in Brooklyn and other parts of Queens.

By early October, the number of new cases throughout the city was average Double the previous At the lowest point two months ago. In Brooklyn alone, one day more than 200 new cases occurred. Governor Andrew Cuomo has announced a series of new rules to close schools, restaurants, bars and gyms in areas where the virus is rampant.

New York may provide the clearest example of a potential second wave, but the coronavirus has also reached other parts of the northeast, where no significant surges were previously seen.

In Pennsylvania, Darryl Miller saw the coronavirus attack Philadelphia and other parts of the state this spring, but most of his rural communities were largely spared.

“It was a single digit, one, two or three times a day,” said Miller, commissioner of Bradford County, a region with a population of 60,000 northwest of Scranton. “Now we are in dozens.”

Part of the rise comes from Bradford County Manor, a nursing home where dozens of residents and employees have been infected with the virus in the past few weeks. But even more worrisome is that the virus seems to spread mysteriously throughout the county.

“It’s something we have no answer to,” Miller said. “Yes, the numbers are increasing, but no one seems to have an answer as long as you identify a particular reason.”

There is one clear pattern in Pennsylvania and elsewhere. It’s a university campus, More than 178,000 cases have occurred nationwide.. Center County, home of Pennsylvania State University, leads the state in per capita cases.Governor of Rhode Island Recently blamed Outbreak uptick related to Providence University and University of Rhode Island. Dr. Deborah L. Burks, White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator, Visit the University of Connecticut campus Thursday, as part of a series of recent university visits.

Due to the increasing number of incidents throughout the northeast, some school systems had to consider suspending reopening plans or reclosing schools.

Boston Mayor Marty Walsh announced this week that Boston Public Schools will delay bringing preschoolers and kindergartens to school buildings. This is because Boston’s positive test rate has exceeded 4%.

In Hartford, Connecticut, the seven-day positive rate recently rose to 2.6%, but officials said the city might need to roll back school reopening.

And in New York City, Mayor Bill de Blasio recently came and went with the governor on how to close schools in problem areas. This is a development that represents the retreat of the city with the largest school district in the country.

It is not yet known if the new regulations in the northeast will slow the spread of the virus, but some have already prepared for the worst.

“I’m not surprised,” said Jen Singer, 53, in Monmouth County, New Jersey. Recent hotspots.. After being infected with the virus and hospitalized for heart failure this spring, she recently said she rode a bike past a crowd of sociable people “like other shore Saturday nights.” They lined up sitting outdoors at the bar opposite the hospital where she had to get a pacemaker.

In response to the new incident, she began to further limit the number of viewers, and she wore a head-to-toe jumpsuit by a nurse and she lay down on the coronavirus floor in the hospital. She said she flashed back during her time spent in her room, scared alone.

“I don’t want to do it again,” she said.

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