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Covid’s “war” won’t win by controlling people, the WHO envoy warns | UK | News


Dr. David Navarro warned the government of imposing stricter rules, arguing that people must uphold the restrictions needed to slow the spread. He told the BBC Radio 4 Today program: “I think it’s reasonable to call this war a war against this virus that will last for the foreseeable future, but it won’t win by creating stricter rules. It tries to control people’s behavior. I The only way we can get ahead of this virus is if we can all do the right thing in the right place, at the right time.

“I think we get points. I hope we all go to the hospital to get points and we don’t all need to die. All of us, all of us are strict Must be about physical distance, wearing masks, hygiene, isolation in case of illness, protection of the most vulnerable people. “

The WHO chief also told Andrew Neil that the blockade would make people poorer because of Spectator magazine.

“I would like to reiterate that we at the World Health Organization have not advocated blockade as the primary means of controlling the virus,” he said.

He said global poverty could double by next year and that the blockade had a devastating impact on the world’s tourism industry.

Dr. Navarro said: “In fact, this is a terrible and horrific global catastrophe. Therefore, we really appeal to all world leaders. Stop using blockades as the primary control method. To do that. Develop a better system.

“Remember that we work together to learn from each other, but the blockade has only one consequence, which should never be underestimated, which makes the poor terribly poor.”

He spoke to Congressman in September, stating that the world is still at the beginning of a pandemic and it will take some time to find a way to deal with it.

Scientists at Imperial College have previously advocated blockades as a way to deal with outbreaks.

He told Mail Online that they are “more and more confident” that they are not the right path because of the social and economic impact they have had in recent weeks.

The UK medical community remains polarized about the government’s response to a pandemic, with two separate groups of health professionals writing to the UK’s Chief Health Officer.

He expressed concern about the repression strategy and called for targeted measures, including the fragmentation and protection of vulnerable groups, instead of blocking regions and countries.

However, another group condemned the idea of ​​a targeted approach to the shield until herd immunity developed, saying that this has never worked in any country.

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