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1 in 28 SA women affected by breast cancer

1 in 28 SA women affected by breast cancer
1 in 28 SA women affected by breast cancer


Breast cancer is the most prevalent cancer among South African women, affecting 1 in 28 women.

In urban communities, the incidence is as high as one-eighth. This is according to the statistics of the National Institute of Health.

Early screening and detection increases a woman’s chances of survival and reduces the need for aggressive and invasive treatment.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and the South African Breast Imaging Society (BISSA) requires women to undergo regular self-examinations and take mammograms annually from the age of 40.

“Breast cancer affects all ages, races and socio-economic conditions.

As scary as diagnosing cancer, the good news is that modern medical advances and early screening and diagnosis will increase the number of patients who survive and defeat cancer with more aggressive and non-invasive treatments. ” , Said Professor Jackie Milg, chair of the sub-BISSA. -A specialized group of the South African Radiology Society (RSSA).

“The need for early and accurate detection cannot be overemphasized. Early detection of breast cancer reduces mortality, prolongs life expectancy and improves quality of life.

“Early detection by mammography narrows the scope of surgery, reduces mastectomy, and reduces the frequency and aggressiveness of chemotherapy.”

The goal of breast cancer screening is to find the disease before it causes symptoms.

“The gold standard remains a mammogram that allows you to detect breast changes years before physical symptoms appear,” says Smilg.

Regular screening increases the chances of finding breast cancer if it is small and still confined to the breast area.

This is important for successful treatment and survival, as the size and extent of spread is paramount to predicting the outcome of a breast cancer diagnosis.

“Mammography performed by radiologists is the basis for early detection. Regular mammography often helps find breast cancer in the early stages when treatment is most likely to be successful,” Smilg said. I am.

As with all cancer screenings, breast cancer screening recommendations rely on a combination of factors, including evidence of condition risk, screening benefits and harms, and costs.

“Several other breast imaging technologies, such as tomosynthesis, C-view imaging, and contrast mammography, have taken a new dimension in the fight against breast cancer. Digital tomosynthesis allows us to examine multiple levels of breast tissue. You can now create 2D mammograms from tomosynthesis slices of. “

In women with a significant family history of breast cancer or special circumstances, ultrasonography and / or breast MRI can also be done with both screening and symptomatic treatment after mammography.

Smilg has dispelled many myths surrounding mammography.

“There is no scientific evidence to support the idea that the very small doses of radiation used in modern mammography can cause breast cancer and endanger the body, including the thyroid gland.”

She said women were often persuaded by this unreasonable fear of radiation risk to use alternative imaging techniques such as the use of thermography, light emitting devices or mass-sensing systems.

“There is no evidence that these methods have any value in screening and detecting breast cancer when compared to mammography. They are often run by staff who are neither medically trained nor traditional breast imaging trained. In fact, the loss of breast cancer can be even more harmful, leading to delayed diagnosis and limited treatment options, “she said.

RSSA and BISSA also agreed with the views of international organizations that overdiagnosis of breast cancer is “significantly inflated due to major methodological flaws in many studies.”

Of the 10% of women referred for further examination after an uncertain mammography, the simplest received an additional mammography view or ultrasonography for clarification.

Because of the screening mammogram, only 1-2 percent of women needed to undergo a needle biopsy.

“The short-term anxiety that can result from uncertain test results does not simply outweigh the many lives saved each year by mammography screening.

“Ultimately, if you don’t get definitive results, you need to investigate further. Women need to decide for themselves whether short-term anxiety outweighs the risk of dying from breast cancer.

“When it comes to dealing with potentially life-threatening illnesses that are as prevalent as cancer, it makes sense to choose the most effective, definitive and definitive screening techniques that remain mammograms.” Said Smileg.

RSSA and BISSA encouraged women to start regular mammography at age 40 and continue mammography annually until age 70, regardless of whether the woman has symptoms or abnormalities.

Women should regularly check their breasts for abnormalities and have their breasts clinically examined by a family doctor or gynecologist at least once a year. Immediate medical consultation with a medical professional is required for any abnormalities, regardless of age or family history.

“Many lumps may turn out to be harmless, but it’s essential to check them all,” Smilg said.

Women who are at high risk due to their relatives’ history of breast cancer should usually have a mammogram and MRI performed annually, starting 5 years before or 40 years before their family was diagnosed with breast cancer, whichever comes first.

High risk is defined as lifetime risk in excess of 20 to 25 percent.


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