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Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Breast Cancer Survivors Overcome Odds Twice | Features

Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Breast Cancer Survivors Overcome Odds Twice | Features
Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Breast Cancer Survivors Overcome Odds Twice | Features


Six years ago, when Regina Ryborn went to the doctor for a regular mammogram, she didn’t expect her life to change so dramatically. Raiborn is one of 276,000 people diagnosed with breast cancer each year.

“I remember the doctor returning to the room after the biopsy. This was certainly before the sample was taken, but he said,” You’re on a long journey, “and he was right. “Ryborn said.

With typical radiation and chemotherapy working, Ryborn said he had been in remission for four and a half years before finding a lump again one day.

The next day, after rushing to the doctor, Ryborn discovered that her worst horror had come true, and her cancer recurred.

“It was just devastating,” she said.

Over the next four months, Ryborn received chemotherapy and radiation again and was able to reduce his tumors by 60% by June. She said her doctor had decided to discontinue treatment and monitor her progress because of the sacrifice of chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

However, by August there was significant new growth, and Ryborn said the tumor, which had just remitted two months ago, was said to be in stage 3 now.

“They told me it was very serious, and they put me in the chemotherapy they called the Red Devil, and made me tell you it was. “She said.

However, after months of intense treatment and 37 radiation treatments, Ryborn was in remission again.

In January 2021, Ryborn stated that after a year of remission and after six years of treatment and a total of 13 surgeries, her main excitement was the ability to raise two 12-year-old daughters.

“When I was first diagnosed, I remember the doctor saying that I should stay positive and keep fighting. It’s a fight, so it’s a never-ending fight, and you have to be positive. I can’t, “she said.

She said this positive outlook and the support of her husband Joe helped her succeed.

“I was telling myself that I had two daughters to raise, but I wasn’t doing what I needed to do,” says Raiborn. “I’m a pretty strong person, but you’re not alone when dealing with things like this.”

For breast cancer survivors, the most difficult part of her illness was hair loss.

But when she faced treatment for the second time, they said they made it a family event.

“We decided to shave our heads again and had the girls vacuum when we shave. We also shot a video,” Ryborn said with a laugh. “It became a big family problem.”

She dedicated October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month and said it was more important than ever to recognize the science behind these treatments.

“I think it’s very important to know what we’re experiencing,” she said. “When you are diagnosed, you are a lifelong cancer patient.”

One of the more common side effects of chemotherapy is nausea, she said, which she never needs to encounter throughout the treatment.

“The only thing I can say is that to overcome this, we need to remain positive and believe in God. Understand why some of us lose the battle and not. It’s hard to do, but it’s all part of God’s plan, “said Ryborn.


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