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World Arthritis Day 2020: Timely Detection of Arthritis, a Key to Quality of Life

World Arthritis Day 2020: Timely Detection of Arthritis, a Key to Quality of Life
World Arthritis Day 2020: Timely Detection of Arthritis, a Key to Quality of Life


During the arthritis that we stretch and move, the hip joint becomes painful and over time leads to greater stiffness and worsening of the pain-relieving condition. (Photo courtesy of: |)

By doctor Akhilesh yadav

The second most common rheumatoid arthritis problem, arthritis, is also the most frequent joint disease affecting quality of life, with a prevalence of about 40% of the Indian population. It is a serious illness and has significant economic and socio-economic consequences. The effects are not limited to the knee, and recent studies have pointed to an association between knee pain and increased mortality from cardiovascular disease and other causes.

It is increasing due to many reasons, including lifestyle changes, obesity, aging population, and many other reasons, including arthritis-related prevalence and complications. Joint pain is often ignored until it causes distress and poor quality of life, but many young patients still have this problem. Obesity is an important correctable factor and should not be overlooked, as joints are at least 3-6 times more load-bearing.

In the absence of cures, despite decades of advances in medical technology and the effects of arthritic knees, treatment strategies are primarily pain relief, improved joint function, joint stability, etc. Focuses on symptom management.

If diagnosed early, it can be treated with medication, but if symptoms are beyond extreme stages, surgery is the only option. Timely detection and progress in the field of computer-assisted minimally invasive total knee osteoarthritis has provided enhanced pathways for better recovery and improved quality of life. .. Today, surgery is performed in a highly specialized and sophisticated environment, which guarantees shorter discharge times and neglect of pain. This also allows for shorter hospital stays, faster recovery and improved patient satisfaction.

Due to certain lifestyle choices such as eating habits, sedentary lifestyles, and excessive steroid intake, arthritic hip pain affects the younger generation, who were once considered a medical problem in the elderly.

Arthritis is a progressive disorder that begins gradually and worsens over time. This occurs when the hip joint space narrows and the soft tissue surrounding the hip contracts and begins to tighten.

Joint-related problems are always age-related problems, but young patients are diagnosed with joint-related illnesses for a variety of reasons, including poor diet, sedentary lifestyles, and overdose of bodybuilding supplements and steroids. I am. There is a sudden rise among adolescents regarding the use of bodybuilding supplements and steroids, which leads to various types of joint-related illnesses. Excessive use of such supplements interferes with proper blood flow to the bones of the joints, causing the destruction of bone cells. In most conditions, it is the hip joint that is primarily affected. The hip sphere gradually loses its blood supply and begins to contract, leading to a decrease in its shape and smoothness. Such conditions can lead to chronic pain and difficulty walking if not treated in time.

During the arthritis that we stretch and move, the hip joint becomes painful and over time leads to greater stiffness and worsening of the pain-relieving condition.

Based on the diagnosis and imaging, the surgeon begins treatment. Surgeons may recommend minimally invasive hip arthroplasty if medications and treatments are not sufficient to relieve inflammation.

“If the hip joint is severely damaged, or if pain or swelling reduces joint movement and affects quality of life, this is a good treatment option. Hip arthroplasty is the most successful modern day. It is one of the orthopedic surgeries in the world and is performed with a smaller incision for faster recovery. In hip replacement, the surgeon removes the damaged cartilage and bone from the hip and replaces it with an artificial part. Helps reduce pain, improve quality of life, and improve an individual’s ability to carry out daily activities without restrictions. “

(The author is a senior transplant head arthroplasty (hip and knee joint) at Vaishali’s Knee and Hip Care Center. The expressed views are personal.)

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