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COVID-19 positive in more than 50 tests at California nursing homes


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Yucaipa, California (KTLAHealth officials said Tuesday that a total of 51 residents and six staff members tested positive for coronavirus in a nursing home in California and a second resident died.

In the afternoon news briefing, San Bernardino County Public Health Director Torre D’Armund estimates that the entire Cedar Mountain Post-Acute facility has been infected, although some results are still pending. County-wide, officials Reported 183 confirmed COVID-19 cases and 4 deaths As of Tuesday.

According to Sugiyama spokeswoman Elizabeth Tyler, officials noticed the outbreak on a 99-bed facility last Thursday and a recently hospitalized 89-year-old woman was taken to hospital with respiratory symptoms.

According to Tyler, a positive reaction occurred only after the woman was hospitalized.

Raymundo stated that health authorities were able to conduct tests quickly to receive results on the same day, and provided guidance to Cedar Mountain, including suspension of hospitalization and discharge.

Another three residents of the nursing home were confirmed positive on Friday and a total of 12 cases were confirmed after the test kit was delivered to the facility on Saturday. The rest of the positive results were returned on Monday.

Raymundo said it was unknown how many people currently live in Cedar Mountain, but said her department had collected about 79 specimens from her home. Sources of exposure there remain under investigation.

The test kit was taken to a nursing home in Menton, California on Saturday, where residents were showing signs of respiratory illness. However, as of Tuesday, there were no positives confirmed at the facility, Raymundo said.

People over the age of 65 are particularly vulnerable to deadly viruses, especially if they have underlying medical conditions. People living in nursing homes are at increased risk of severe illness US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

of CDC says Elderly care facilities must limit visits, discontinue volunteer programs, cancel group activities, and actively screen all residents.

According to Cedar Mountain, staff are screened when they arrive at work.

According to Raymundo, infection prevention officers from the state’s Public Health Service visit the facility and provide advice on quarantine measures and the use of protective equipment.

Yucaiba Mayor David Avila said the city is taking important precautionary measures because it is an important retirement community. The fire department will no longer be open to visitors, protective gear will be used in all emergencies, and then all first responder equipment will be decontaminated.



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