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People infected with coronavirus lose “ strong prediction ” of smell and taste


According to the authors of the preliminary study, those who suddenly lose their odor or taste along with other COVID-19 symptoms need to self-isolate to prevent the spread of new coronavirus.

Un peer-reviewed papers suggest that “loss of taste and smell is a strong predictor of COVID-19 virus infection,” the researchers wrote. Researchers said these sensations need to be added to the World Health Organization (WHO) COVID-19 list of symptoms.

Those who suddenly lose their odor or taste along with other COVID-19 symptoms are three times more likely to be infected with the new coronavirus, according to the data. It must be quarantined for 14 days to prevent the spread of the virus. Above.

King’s College London Principal Investigator Tim Spector (professor of genetic epidemiology) Newsweek 12% of 1.5 million study participants report this symptom and are “common.” He said he was more strongly associated with COVID-19 than with fever. Thus, individuals who have lost their sense of smell or taste but have no other symptoms of COVID-19 also need to be self-isolated when “in doubt.”

The team looked at data from 1,573,103 people in the UK reporting whether they used the app. COVIDBetween March 24 and March 29, there were 19 symptoms, with 1,702 COVIDTested -19 and had symptoms such as loss of smell and taste.

Of the 579 people who tested positive, 59% lost their sense of smell and taste. 18% of 1,123 people who were negative but had at least one symptom COVID-19.

Causal bug COVIDThe team has stated that it may interfere with odor receptors like many other respiratory viruses.

Researchers also Anesthesia (Smell loss), the most strongly correlated and could predict if a person was positive COVID-19. Smell and loss of taste, as well as a combination of fever, persistent cough, fatigue, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and anorexia have emerged as the best indicators.

By applying the model to 410,598 people, COVIDAlthough -19 symptoms have not been tested, it is estimated that 12.86% are likely to be infected with the virus.

However, researchers stated that their research was limited, as the participants relied on issuing accurate reports, and that the tests they performed may not have been accurate. . Sick or contacted person COVIDThey said that -19 patients are likely to be tested, and that scientists may also overestimate the number of potential cases.

Because extensive testing has not been performed in countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom, the authors argue that: “Therefore, it is most important to identify the most predictable combination of symptoms. COVIDInfection to guide self-isolation and prevent the spread of the disease.

Earlier this week, U.S. overtakes China for confirmed COVID-19 cases, New York has been hit particularly hard, as shown in Statista Graph below.

Coronavirus New York
The surge of coronavirus cases in New York.

Reports from China, Italy, South Korea, France, Germany, and the United Kingdom suggest that a “significant number” of confirmed patients with COVID-19 had lost their sense of smell. There are also reports of people with only anesthesia or olfactory disorders.

The authors stated that checking for loss of smell and taste could be implemented as part of a COVID-19 screen. “However, its usefulness in the public health environment depends on whether this symptom occurs early in the onset or only after more severe symptoms such as coughing, high fever, and shortness of breath,” they add. Was.

More research on COVIDResearchers have clarified the symptoms, sequence, and frequency of their occurrence, and have identified how long a person loses these sensations.

This study was submitted as a preprint to the website medRxiv. In other words, it has not gone through the rigorous peer review process required for publication in scientific journals. Releasing a study in this manner can encourage scientists to discuss the topic, and is especially useful in fast-moving situations, such as a pandemic, where it is helpful to release and discuss information quickly.

Spector said Newsweek The same app was launched in the United States, prompting residents to sign up

“This is a global initiative! Sign up and share the app!” He said Newsweek on mail.

Jane Parker, Associate Professor taste A chemistry at Reading University in the United Kingdom, who did not address the dissertation, said in a statement: “This dissertation provides good preliminary (not peer-reviewed) evidence that loss of smell and taste is likely to be a symptom. Is COVID-19, but its role as an early warning signal has not been identified.

Parker said there was no evidence to show that people who lost odor or taste could spread CoronavirusHowever, given the seriousness of the pandemic, the findings of the study are compelling and those who suddenly lose these sensations should be self-isolated as a precautionary measure.

She said, “For those with symptoms that are diagnosed as negative, COVID-19, self-reported 18% loss of smell and taste. Although this is very high, loss of smell is a good indicator, as these definitely had suffered from other virus infections, but there are other viruses flowing that have a similar effect on smell.

“This is important for any public health message. COVID-19, and the reason to self-separate is not necessarily that you develop or have developed [COVID-19]—It doesn’t mean “immune.” “

Parker said that the participants Anesthesia Acquired before others COVID-19 That data may be released later during the symptoms, during the illness, or later, but as the app tracks over time.

Trish GreenhalghOxford University Professor of Primary Care Health Sciences Naffield The primary care health sciences department, also not working on research, commented in a statement: “This is the first to prove that odor loss is a characteristic feature scientifically and in a large population sample , This is important research COVID. Researchers also said that the loss of odor COVIDAnd COVID You lose the sense of smell.

Greenhalgh Some have criticized the team for asking patients to report their test results, rather than getting a report from a doctor, but “ in my opinion, most respondents will give accurate reports. “

World Health Organization advice on avoiding growth Coronavirus sick(COVID-19)

Hygiene advice

  • Clean your hands frequently, rubbing with soap and water or alcohol-based hands.
  • Wash your hands after coughing or sneezing. When taking care of the disease; before cooking, during cooking, after cooking and before meals; after using the toilet; when hands are clearly dirty. After handling animals and waste.
  • Keep at least one meter (3 feet) from anyone who coughs or sneezes.
  • Avoid touching hands, nose and mouth. Do not spit in public.
  • When coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or bent elbow. Discard the tissue immediately and clean your hands.

Doctor’s advice

  • If you have any symptoms, avoid close contact with others.
  • Even if you have mild symptoms such as a headache or runny nose, if you feel sick, stay at home to avoid the possibility of infecting health care facilities and others.
  • If you develop serious symptoms (fever, cough, dyspnea), call your healthcare provider early and contact your local health authority in advance.
  • Be aware of recent contacts and travel details with others and provide them to authorities who can track and prevent the spread of the disease.
  • Keep up to date COVID-19 Follow the developments issued by health authorities and their guidance.

How to use masks and gloves

  • Healthy people need to wear a mask only when caring for a sick person.
  • Wear a mask when coughing or sneezing.
  • Masks are effective when used in conjunction with frequent hand washing.
  • Do not touch the mask while wearing it. If you touch the mask, clean your hands.
  • Learn how to properly wear, remove and dispose of masks. Clean your hands after discarding the mask.
  • Do not reuse disposable masks.
  • Regular hand washing is more effective against snagging COVID-19 than wearing rubber gloves.
  • of COVIDThe -19 virus is still picked up by rubber gloves and transmitted by touching your face.

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