Millions of face masks have been scrapped during COVID-19.Here’s how to choose the best one for the planet
Face masks are part of our daily life during a pandemic. Many are made of plastic and are designed for one-time use. That means thousands of tons of extra waste will be landfilled.
Mask may help Stop spreading Of the coronavirus.But according to One quoteIf everyone in the UK uses a one-time mask daily for a year, it will generate 66,000 tonnes of contaminated waste and 57,000 tonnes of plastic packaging.
evidence I will also propose mask It can be a source of microplastic fibers that are harmful to land, waterways and debris.
Now let’s see how face masks are designed to minimize harm to the environment while working and which type is best for you.
Circular reasoning
China is the largest face mask manufacturer in the world.The daily output of the face mask is reportedly 116 million units In February of this year. It causes major waste management problems around the world.
One way to deal with this isCircular design“Principle. This idea aims to reduce waste and pollution. Product designContinue to use products and materials to regenerate the natural system.
When it comes to face masks, the three common types are cloth. Surgery And N-95. The N-95 mask provides the highest level of protection and blocks about 95% of suspended particles. Cloth masks are designed for multiple use, but surgical masks and N-95 masks are usually intended for single use.
Face masks can consist of one or more layers, each with a different function.
The outermost layer designed to repel liquids such as water. The innermost layer, which absorbs moisture and provides comfort and breathability in a non-absorbable middle layer, filters particles.
Each type of mask is made of a different material and is used in different settings.
- N-95 mask:They are Protect the wearer From 95% of suspended particles, mainly Health care workers.. The N-95 mask is designed to fit snugly on the face and is usually worn only once. N-95 masks include:
- Strap (polyisoprene) Staple (steel) Nose foam (polyurethane) Nose clip (aluminum) Filter (polypropylene) Valve diaphragm (polyisoprene).
- surgical mask: These are designed to protect the sterile environment from the wearer and act as a barrier against droplets and aerosols. Generally intended as single-use items, they are mainly composed of polypropylene between two layers of non-woven fabric.
- Cloth mask: These types of masks are worn by the general public. Some are homemade from scrap fabrics and used clothing. They may be completely reusable, or they may be partially reusable with replaceable filters that need to be discarded.
These masks usually consist of an outer layer of polyester or polypropylene (or cotton in some cases) and an inner layer (usually cotton or cotton-polyester blend) designed for breathability and comfort.
Research suggests Cloth masks are less effective at filtering particles than medical masks, but they can provide some protection if properly installed and designed.Health advice Available Helps guide their use.
Designed for a healthier environment
It is important to note that attempts to redesign the face mask must ensure that it provides the wearer with adequate protection. When using masks in the medical setting, design changes must also meet official standards such as barrier efficiency, breathing capacity, and fire resistance.
With this in mind Harm to the environment It can be done in several ways caused by the mask:
Designed with more reusable parts
Evidence suggests Reusable cloth masks work much like disposable masks, but with no associated waste. One life cycle assessment Conducted in the UK We have found that washable and reusable masks are the best option for the environment. Reusable masks with replaceable filters were the second best option.
Research has also found that the more masks that rotate to allow machine cleaning, the better the environment than manual cleaning.
Facilitates the disposal and recycling of masks
In high-risk environments such as hospitals and clinics, mask reuse may not be possible or desirable. That is, you need to discard the mask. Medical sites have systems in place to dispose of such protective equipment. Normally Separation and incineration.
However, the general public has to dispose of the mask themselves. This can be complicated because masks are usually made of different materials. For example, to retrieve N-95 mask components for recycling, you would need to put the straps, nose foam, filters and valves in one bottle and the metal staples and nose clips in another. Also, some recyclers may consider mask recycling to be a health risk. These difficulties mean that masks are often landfilled.
If the mask is made of less material and is easily disassembled, it will be easier to recycle.
Use biodegradable materials
For single-use items, placing the compound using biodegradable materials is the first step in circular design thinking.
The abaca plant, a relative of the banana tree, Potential options..The fiber of the leaf Reportedly It repels water more than traditional face masks, is as strong as polymers, and decomposes within two months.Most abaka Currently in production In the Philippines.
Which mask should I choose?
From a purely environmental point of view, research suggests that owning multiple reusable face masks and machine washing them together is the best option.Use of reusable filters Face mask The next best option.
But when choosing a mask, think about where to wear it. Healthcare professionals should not use cloth masks unless they have been shown to be as effective as other masks.But those people May be suitable In a low-risk everyday setting.
In the long run, governments and manufacturers will have to make every effort to design masks that are harmless to the planet, and consumers will have to demand this. Face masks will probably be ubiquitous in our city for the next few months. But once the pandemic is over, the heritage of the environment can last for decades, if not centuries.
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Quote: Millions of face masks have been scrapped during COVID-19. The best one for the Earth (October 12, 2020) acquired on October 12, 2020 from Here’s how to choose:
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