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First case of Covid-19 reinfection confirmed in the United States

First case of Covid-19 reinfection confirmed in the United States


Dr. Sonia Macieiewski (R) and Dr. Nita Patel, director of antibody discovery and vaccine development, will examine respiratory virus samples at the Novavax Lab in Rockville, Maryland on March 20, 2020. Coronavirus, COVID-19.

Andrew Caballero-Reynolds | AFP | Getty Images

A 25-year-old man in Nevada, USA, was infected with the coronavirus in two doses. This is a study of the Lancet Infectious Diseases Journal. Indicated, The patient becomes seriously ill after the second infection.

This is the first confirmed case of a US patient re-infected with Covid-19 and the fifth known case reported worldwide.

Residents of Washoe County, who had no history of known immune disorders or serious underlying illnesses, required hospital treatment for a second positive Covid-19 test.

He is now recovering, but the incident raises further questions about the potential for developing protective immunity against the coronavirus.

To date, more than 37.8 million people have been infected with Covid-19, with 1.08 million associated deaths, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University.

WHO’s emergency officer said earlier this monthBest quote“Approximately 1 in 10 people worldwide may be infected with the coronavirus, which is significantly higher than the confirmed number of cases.

What happened?

March 25, A peer-reviewed medical journal found that a 25-year-old man in Nevada’s second most populous county experienced a wave of symptoms consistent with a viral infection, including sore throat, cough, headache, nausea, and diarrhea. It is stated in.

He attended a community test event held by the Washoe County Health District on April 18, and was the first to test positive for Covid-19.

The patient’s initial symptoms were completely resolved during quarantine on April 27. After that, I felt better and was negative for coronavirus on May 9th and 26th.

The 25-year-old woman experienced symptoms again from May 28th. This time, I had fever, headache, dizziness, cough, nausea and diarrhea.

On June 5, 48 days after the first positive test, the patient had a second viral infection. His condition turned out to be symptomatically “more severe” than the initial condition.

He consulted a primary care physician and needed hospital treatment when he experienced shortness of breath. He later recovered and was discharged.

COVID-19 coronavirus molecule, March 24, 2020.

CDC | API | Gamma Rafo via Getty Images

Scientists said they caught the coronavirus on two separate occasions, rather than repelling the original infection after the patient went dormant. This is because the genetic code comparison showed a “significant difference” between each variant associated with each instance of infection.

“These findings suggest that patients were infected with SARS-CoV-2 twice separately with genetically different viruses. Therefore, previous exposure to SARS-CoV-2 was in all cases. It may not guarantee complete immunity, “said the study’s authors. Said.

“Every individual, whether or not previously diagnosed with COVID-19, should take the same precautions to avoid SARS-CoV-2 infection,” they added.

WHO to protect yourself Recommended Keep a physical distance of at least 1 meter from others, wear a mask, avoid congestion, keep the room well ventilated, and clean your hands thoroughly and frequently.

According to Lancet, the patient agreed in writing to issue the report, and the University of Nevada, Reno review board waived ethical approval.

Secondary coronavirus infection

The second case of coronavirus was supposed to be milder than the first, but it is unclear why patients in Nevada became severely ill for the second time.

All reports of secondary coronavirus infections in Hong Kong, the Netherlands and Belgium state that they are not as serious as the first.

One in Ecuador reflected the US case as more serious, but this case did not require hospital treatment.


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