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COVID-19 again?Cases of reinfection raise immunity concerns


London (Reuters)-A case of a U.S. man infected twice with COVID-19 shows that there is still much to learn about the immune response and raises questions about vaccination, scientists say. Said on Tuesday.

File photo: On October 13, 2020, a protective face mask with a flag design is on display at a shop in Paris due to the ongoing outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in France.Reuters / Charles Platyau

A 25-year-old woman from Reno, Nevada, showed mild symptoms, tested positive in April, became ill again in late May, and had more serious seizures. According to a case report from the Lancet Infectious Diseases Medical Journal.

The report was released hours after US President Donald Trump, who was infected with COVID-19 and was hospitalized earlier this month, said he felt immunized and “very powerful.”

Scientists said the known incidence of reinfection appears to be rare, but men in Nevada are now recovering, but cases like him were worried. Other cases of isolated reinfection have been reported worldwide, including in Asia and Europe.

In the Netherlands, the National Institute of Public Health confirmed on Tuesday that an 89-year-old Dutch woman with the same rare form of myeloma died after her second infection with COVID-19.

Dutch media said this was the first known case of death after reinfection with SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.

“Impact on vaccination”

“It’s becoming increasingly clear that reinfection is possible, but we’re still not sure how common this is,” said Simon Clarke, a microbiology expert at the University of Reading in the United Kingdom. I am.

“If people can easily re-infect, it could affect our vaccination program and our understanding of when and how the pandemic ends.”

A Nevada patient doctor first reported the case in an unpeer-reviewed paper in August, but said advanced testing showed that the viral strains associated with each attack of the infection were genetically different. It was.

“These findings confirm that the immune response to this infection is not yet well known,” said Paul Hunter, a professor of medicine at the University of East Anglia in the United Kingdom.

Brendan Len, a professor of vaccination at the London School of Economics and Tropical Medicine, said the Nevada case was the fifth most confirmed case of reinfection in the world.

“Demonstrations of the potential for reinfection with SARS-CoV-2 may suggest that the COVID-19 vaccine may not be completely protective,” he said. “But given the more than 40 million cases worldwide, there are only a few small cases of these reinfections and should not interfere with vaccine development efforts.”

World Health Organization spokesman Tarick Jasarevic agreed that the US proceedings emphasized the unknown about immunity. “And this is also an argument against what some people have claimed, which naturally builds what is called herd immunity, because I don’t know,” he told the briefing.

Report by Kate Keland; Additional report by Anthony Deutsch in Amsterdam and Stephanie Nebehay in Geneva. Edited by Andrew Cawthorne


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