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Studies suggest that enhanced general blood tests may predict adverse consequences during pregnancy

Studies suggest that enhanced general blood tests may predict adverse consequences during pregnancy


Blood test

Unsplash / Obi Onyeador

“The novelty of this study is that it can break down the mother’s DNA and focus on placental health, something researchers couldn’t do before,” said Sherin, the lead author of the study.・ Dr. Debasker said. ..

Survey results

According to UCLA researchers and colleagues, blood tests commonly used to detect genetic abnormalities in the fetus can be modified to help predict pregnancy-related complications before symptoms appear. I will.

their Preliminary research Associates certain cell-free nucleic acids (genetic substances released from the placenta into the mother’s blood) with adverse consequences during pregnancy such as ischemic placenta disease and gestational diabetes, and blood for such cell-free DNA signatures. This is the first product shown to be analyzed. It may be possible to predict these serious complications.

Researchers have found that placenta-specific DNA increased during the first and second trimesters of pregnancy among women who continued to develop gestational diabetes. They also identified several differently expressed genes and created a model with predictive values ​​of adverse pregnancy outcomes.


Analysis of genetic material in the mother’s blood has been used to screen for genetic abnormalities during pregnancy, but these specific methods of screening for cell-free DNA signatures are a means of providing more accurate predictions. This is the first time it has been used.

The study presents a promising approach that can improve the outcomes of mothers and their babies using existing techniques, and is a well-known pediatrician at UCLA Mater Children’s Hospital, the lead author of the study. Professor Sherin Devaskar said. Gefen Medical School at UCLA.


The study followed a diverse group of pregnant women from February 2017 to January 2019 and tested their blood regularly during pregnancy. By the end of the study, 160 participants had given birth, with 102 maternal and 25 umbilical cord plasma samples taken along the way.


Cell-free DNA blood tests, if confirmed in larger studies, may help identify placental problems as indicators of healthy mothers and fetuses.

“The novelty of this study is that it can break down the mother’s DNA and focus on placental health, something researchers couldn’t do before,” says Devaskar. “This study ensures that automated methodologies are applied to multicenter clinical trials to improve future testing and screening of all women.”


In addition to Devaskar, other research authors include Giorgia Del Vecchio, the first lead author to be a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Pediatrics at the University of California, Los Angeles, School of Medicine. Qingjiao Li, a professor at Sun Yat-Sen University Hospital 8 in Shenzhen, China. Wen Yuan Lee is an adjunct professor in the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at Gefen School of Medicine.

UCLA’s Matteoperegrini, a professor of molecular biology, cell biology and developmental biology, also participated in the collaboration. Xianghong Zhou, Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. Dr. Carla Janzen, Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Maternal and Fetal Medicine. Kyung-sung is an associate professor in the individual development planning department of radiology, biotechnology, and biomedical physics.


Survey results are open to the public October 13th of Journal Epigenetics.


Funding was provided by the National Institute of Health Sciences, a program of the National Institute of Health, as part of the Human Placenta Project.

/ Public release. The material in this public release is from the original organization and may be of a particular point-in-time nature, edited for clarity, style, and length.Fully visible here..


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