October 13, 2020
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October 13, 2020
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Potter D et al. Abstract 84. Place of presentation: 2020 ASCO Quality Care Symposium (virtual); October 9-10, 2020.
Disclosure: Miller has not reported disclosure of relevant financial information. See the summary for all other relevant financial disclosures.
The results of a study published at the ASCO Quality Care Symposium showed that black and Hispanic cancer patients were at higher risk of COVID-19 infection than white patients.
Findings based on data from about 500,000 cancer patients also showed that patients with hematologic cancer are more likely to develop the new coronavirus than patients with solid tumors.
“The COVID-19 pandemic has certainly disrupted the US healthcare system at many levels, including the care that cancer patients receive.” Robert S. Miller MD, FACP, FASCO, ASCO Cancer LinQ’s Medical Director and Associate Professor of Oncology at the Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins University said in a presentation. “Other studies have shown that COVID-19 disease and worse outcomes are higher among certain populations.”
Miller et al. Tried to identify risk factors for the diagnosis of COVID-19 among 477,613 people. Cancer patients The CancerLinQ Discovery database is a medical technology platform developed by ASCO that collects and aggregates long-term electronic health record data from US oncology practice.
Of these patients, 965 were SARS-CoV-2 positive or had a COVID-19 diagnostic code in their electronic health record data. This included 23 of the 29 Cancer LinQ clinics who reported SARS-CoV-2 test results during the January-August study period.
The results showed that black patients were almost twice as likely to develop COVID-19 as white patients (RR = 1.69). Hispanics, on the other hand, were more than five times more likely to develop COVID-19 than Caucasian patients (RR = 5.25).
In addition, patients with hematological malignancies such as leukemia, lymphoma, and multiple myeloma were 1.36 times more likely to develop COVID-19 than patients with common solid tumors such as breast, lung, and colon cancer. ..This higher risk is of particular concern as these patients are already known to be at greater risk. [for] Immunosuppression and higher risk [for] “Baseline infection,” Miller said.
52 (5.4%) Patients with cancer and COVID-19 died During the study, researchers were unable to determine the cause of death. Most of these patients were over 70 years old, Miller said.
“Collecting data about people with cancer during this pandemic is important because it helps us understand the risks to these different populations and potentially develop mitigation strategies,” Miller said. Says. “Finally, all cancer patients need to take precautions that have proven to be effective, such as wearing masks, practicing social distance, and flu shots, which are ethnic minority groups. It is especially important for some patients. “
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