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“Long COVID”: What you need to know about the long-term effects of coronavirus infection

“Long COVID”: What you need to know about the long-term effects of coronavirus infection


Since the beginning of this pandemic, we have decided to disseminate information about COVID-19, implement preventive measures, track or identify people infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and provide appropriate treatment until COVID- becomes negative. The emphasis has been placed on it. 19 Once recovered, prevent the virus from being infected again.

While this attention has played an important role in controlling the spread of new coronavirus infections in many parts of the world, many countries, including India, still face major challenges.

But primarily UK-based scientists and doctors are now beginning to urge the global community to also focus on what is called the long COVID, and even the World Health Organization (WHO) pays attention to it and acts. Is starting to wake up.

So what is a long COVID, and why do you need to know about it urgently?

What is a long COVID?

The fact that some symptoms of COVID-19 can be debilitating is well known. It is also known that after a negative COVID-19 test, symptoms such as coughing, shortness of breath, brain fog, and malaise continue for some time.

However, patients who recover early are aware that symptoms often persist for months, even though the infection itself is rapidly relieving.

This suggests that these patients have not actually recovered from COVID-19 and may have other complications and morbidity. This long-term experience of debilitating symptoms is called long COVID.

The most prominent finding so far about long COVID is that you don’t have to suffer from severe COVID to get into this condition. Previously healthy adults with mild symptoms who recovered from COVID-19 without the need for intensive care also reported these symptoms after a few months.

Long COVID is a patient-inspired term first used by Elisa Perego, a researcher at University College London, in May 2020 to describe her own experience with COVID-19.

But since then, so many patients have reported similar experiences, so in August 2020, even WHO has long been a separate illness with researchers and experts related to the UK National Health Service. We focused and discussed the need to focus on COVID. British Medical Journal (BMJ) Other.

What are the symptoms of long COVID?

A BMJ paper Published in October 2020, instead of other terms commonly used in research to describe long COVID symptoms such as post-acute COVID-19, post-COVID syndrome, chronic COVID-19, It emphasizes the importance of using the long COVID term.

This is to ensure that patients reporting these symptoms, as experts suggest, do not feel they have been dismissed or their claims have been outlawed. ..

They also emphasize the fact that there are many symptoms associated with long COVID, most of which are not mild.Below are some of them Symptoms Reported by the patient.

Severe malaise: As the most commonly reported symptom that lasts for months, malaise can affect everything from your physical and mental health.

Recent articles published in Nature To better understand this condition, it is recommended that a long COVID fatigue and chronic fatigue syndrome comparison be needed.

Cardiovascular problems: A high frequency of COVID-19 patients have been observed to suffer from post-viral infection or inflammatory myocarditis, which can lead to not only persistent arrhythmias but also future heart failure.

Others: Other symptoms of long COVID include shortness of breath, persistent cough, muscle aches, and headaches. Mental health and neurological studies have also shown cognitive decline, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can also occur in patients.

What do i need to do?

Related doctors and specialists BMJ If you have not recovered from COVID-19, that is, if your symptoms persist or worsen after a negative infection test, it is advisable to consult your doctor immediately.

Be very clear about the post-COVID care you are receiving and the duration, intensity and frequency of your symptoms. Patients with long COVIDs may require expert investigation and monitoring.

If the COVID is long, it is also advisable to slow it down. Keep pace with yourself and your activities and restore your body and mind properly, rather than jumping into your normal life.

If you don’t slow down, things just get worse. Keep in mind that COVID-19 is a new illness and long COVID-like conditions are thoroughly studied and it takes time to get a solution.

For more information Post COVID care..

The Firstpost Health article was created by, India’s first and largest resource for validated medical information. At myUpchar, researchers and journalists work with doctors to provide all the information about health.

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