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Facebook finally bans vaccination ads

Facebook finally bans vaccination ads


Conspiracy theorists and false alarm proponents have been struggling to spread falsehoods on Facebook in recent weeks.

The social media company fought another group, anti-vaxxers, on Tuesday. However, that new policy on vaccination rhetoric is still lacking.

Facebook only It will now ban ads intended to “prevent” people from being vaccinated. This is a good step, as these calls usually permeate conspiracy theories. Vaccines protect people, and society as a whole, from infectious viruses.

However, the new policy only prohibits a wide range of advertisements aimed at discouraging vaccination as a whole.

“Advertising that supports or opposes laws and government policies regarding vaccines, including the COVID-19 vaccine, will continue to be permitted,” the company said in a statement. According to Facebook, groups running these types of advertising campaigns .. Posts are labeled “Paid for by” so users can see who’s behind them.

There are good reasons for these types of ads. For example, as coronavirus vaccines are politicized during the campaign season, there are some concerns that the government may rush the vaccine before the election. But it potentially allows anti-vaxxers to organize their discussions in a way that can bypass Facebook’s policies.

The additional step of being allowed to run political ads is not a major obstacle for conspiracy theorists either.Currently, there are conspiracy theorists and QAnon followers running for elected positions. On Facebook.

A Facebook statement states that it is “regularly improving” its approach to these issues and may expand its enforcement in the future.

In a statement, Dr. Joe Smyser, CEO of the nonprofit health group The Public Good Projects, said, “I commend Facebook for finally taking this action. Next, to identify and stop the spread. I want to see more effective means. Organic false alarms. Advertising is important, but advertising is not the most important in terms of how false information is disseminated. ”

Of course, as Dr. Smeiser states, anti-bakers can post free content on their pages and accounts. This new policy only deals with paid advertising. Facebook has the following policies The content of the vaccination will be difficult to find on the platform, but it will still be allowed to spread.Company follow Instagram also has vaccination content.

Facebook’s other health policies

The company’s statement also includes other health-related announcements. Facebook says it will work on a vaccine education campaign to promote global health organizations such as WHO and UNICEF.Social media platforms also help Provides users with information about where and how to get a flu shot.

Facebook has recently taken some big steps to combat false information.Recently QAnon Conspiracy Theory Pages and Groups And on Monday, social networks took a ban step Also from that platform.

While the new vaccine strategy is a step in the right direction, there is still room for vaccine controversies and conspiracy theorists to game the system. This is especially in the middle of a pandemic.

“The amount of false information related to vaccines has more than doubled since the coronavirus pandemic, much of which is caused by easily identifiable accounts that rely on sharing and page suggestions,” Dr. Smeiser said. Says. “Misinformation has real-world consequences, like the outbreak of measles last year.”

And Facebook knows the bet. Back in august, the company More than 100 million false alarms of coronavirus were found on the platform.

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