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More than 350,000 people remain untested due to COVID-19 cancer backlog

More than 350,000 people remain untested due to COVID-19 cancer backlog


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, more than 350,000 people in the UK have missed an emergency referral to a hospital with suspected cancer symptoms since the end of March, showing new figures for Cancer Research UK.

The number of people who started treatment also decreased by 31,000 between April and July, more than a quarter of the same period last year. This suggests data collected from various official sources.

“My biggest fear is to make more home visits for palliative care, because as a GP, I can’t diagnose patients as quickly as I want this year, as I’ve done in the past.” Said. GP of Cancer Research UK for Dr. Neil Smith, Lancashire and South Cambria Cancer Alliance.

“Catastrophic effects”

At a press conference, Cancer Research UK CEO Michelle Mitchell said the COVID-19 pandemic “has a truly devastating effect on cancer services and patients,” and cancer patients do not want to be “collateral damage.” I did.

She said cancer survival was slower than that of comparable countries, even before the virus broke out.

“But the pandemic exacerbates this, leaving millions of patients untreated and awaiting cancer services, urgent referrals and treatments. CancerResearchUK says this means reduced survival for cancer patients. I’m afraid of that. “

Michelle Mitchell continued that the United Kingdom National Health Service (NHS) staff “did their best to continue service throughout the pandemic.”

“But while service capabilities approach pre-pandemic levels and clinical trials resume, the NHS is still under severe pressure,” she added, “COVID-19 revives in addition to winter pressure. “We did” means “we learn lessons from the first wave and continue cancer services in the next wave.

First Wave Legacy

“The legacy of the first wave caused major problems for patients suffering from cancer,” said Professor Charles Swanton, chief clinician at Cancer Research UK and group leader at the Francis Crick Institute.

“Given the key aspects of cancer treatment: screening, referrals, treatment, and of course clinical trials, each of these steps in patient treatment is affected.”

He also emphasized that “it is necessary to prevent cancer patients from becoming infected with COVID-19 during hospitalization” and “to do so, both patients and staff are asymptomatic and regular COVID- 19 We believe it is important to have access to the test. The stage of the symptom of the disease. “

In order for patients to return to medical services, Professor Swanton said, “We need to build trust in the NHS and we need to build trust in the referral system, which gives patients the care they need in a safe and COVID-protected state. You can receive the environment “.

Dr. Smith agreed and added: “Few patients are telling me about the signs and symptoms of cancer. They seem reluctant to do so. It has improved, but I look at them.”

He believes that “it has been very frustrating to me because I have introduced 60 fewer patients in the last 7 months than I did.”

“If you translate that into a real cancer patient, it could be 7% or 8% of the patients I’m referring to,” Dr. Smith said. “So I know there are 5 patients in the community and I have cancer that I can’t get, and cancer will be diagnosed next year, I’m more advanced than this year . “

Types of cancer

The data show that the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on urgent referrals for suspicious cancers and the degree of recovery after April vary by cancer type.

As of the end of September, the number of suspected lung cancer referrals was only 60% of pre-COVID-19 levels, and it is estimated that 16,000 fewer patients have been referred to lung cancer tests since March. .. About 50% reduction.

If urinary cancer is suspected Prostate cancer, Referrals were 78% of the pre-COVID period, and the number of referrals since March was 46,000 less, a decrease of about 40%.

breast cancer Referrals are currently 96% of pre-COVID levels, but since March, there have been 46,000 fewer suspected cancer referrals, about 20% less than expected.

Finally, referrals for suspected gastrointestinal cancers have returned to 98% of pre-COVID levels. However, since March, the number of urgently referred patients has decreased by about 68,000, a decrease of 30%.

The number of people waiting for one of the seven major diagnostic tests for more than 6 weeks has also increased significantly, with the largest increase in May, when endoscopy and radiology combined. ..

Even after a slight improvement, the number of people waiting for an examination for more than 6 weeks at the end of August is 10 times that of August 2019, and the number of people waiting only for endoscopy has not improved.

In a September charity GP survey, more than half reported delays in blood testing services, half reported delays in CT scans, and about two-thirds reported delays in chest C-line. None of them have improved much since the last survey. , Conducted during the blockade.

Delays in lower gastrointestinal endoscopy were also reported by 62% of GPs, 69% reported delays in upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, and 78% reported non-obstetric ultrasonography.

Queue extension

Cancer Research UK It pointed out Restoring to pre-COVID levels of cancer diagnosis will be difficult for medical services that have already gone too far.

Michelle Mitchell said: “Today, with millions of people lining up for screening, diagnosis, treatment, and a fairly stressful NHS workforce, tackling staff shortages is becoming more and more urgent. I will. “

Charities say that even before the pandemic, 10% of diagnostic posts were unfilled, suggesting that staff shortages are the “biggest barrier” to achieving wait time goals. doing.

In addition, in 2018, Health Education England will provide world-class cancer services by 2029 and meet the government’s goal of diagnosing up to three-quarters of cancers in seven key ways. We estimated that we needed to increase the number of medical professionals by 45%. In the early stages.

This includes histopathologists, radiological technologists, diagnostic radiologists, oncologists, and professional cancer nurses.

Although numbers are expected to grow at current investment levels, Cancer Research UK needs up to £ 260m in additional funding to increase staff by the expected 45%, and investments vary by profession. I estimate that.

Please refer to the reference materials for COI.


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