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Patients with long “debilitating” Covids may have “4 different syndromes”


Scholars warn that the so-called “long covid” can actually be four different syndromes.

They predicted an increase in the number of people suffering from the “debilitating” long-term sequelae of Covid-19 infection.

Health officials estimate that 60,000 people may suffer from the long-term sequelae of Covid-19.

According to scholars, some people still suffer from symptoms seven months after infection, while those who initially had a mild illness may have worse symptoms than those who require intensive care. There is.

Even children can suffer, researchers added

In the meantime, some people live with “moving around the body” and “symptomatic roller coasters.”

Surviving intensive care can have long-term debilitating consequences
(Image: Getty Images)

Researchers at the National Institutes of Health who reviewed the available evidence said that people at low risk of serious illness or death from Covid-19 cannot be expected to have a low risk of ongoing Covid.

Scholars said that many people said they were “unbelievable” when asking for help, so they needed more work to help those in distress.

Ongoing symptoms include shortness of breath, chronic fatigue, “brain fog”, anxiety, and stress.

During that time, others may have suffered permanent organ damage.

Some people have reported “floating” symptoms of diseases related to parts of the body, such as the respiratory system, brain, cardiovascular system, heart, kidneys, intestines, liver, and skin. A new symptom that occurs in another part of the body.

Coronavirus testing in progress at Stockport
(Image: AFP via Getty Images)

They added that such a wide range of symptoms and symptoms of various illnesses mean that it is difficult for doctors to diagnose, which means that patients have access to proper care as well.

They also said they didn’t like the term “long covid” because it may mean that some patients suffering from ongoing sequelae have been overlooked.

They added that ongoing Covid could be four different syndromes rather than one disease.

Patient is undergoing intensive care at Frimley Park Hospital in Sally
(Image: Getty Images)

These are broadly categorized as post-intensive care syndrome, post-viral fatigue syndrome, permanent organ damage, and long-term Covid syndrome.

Some people receive these at the same time.

They ask NHS records to record that for anyone who believes they are suffering from long-term sequelae, and medical services are a “practical diagnosis” to help those in need. You need to take an approach.

As they invited people with sequelae to participate in the study, scholars emphasized that understanding the effects was still in their infancy.

Review author Dr. Elaine Maxwell said: “Many studies in the United Kingdom and around the world show that a significant number of people are experiencing ongoing effects after a Covid-19 infection.

The long-term effects of coronavirus are still being studied
(Image: AFP via Getty Images)

“The list of symptoms is huge and covers every part of the body and brain.

“A few months after the initial infection, I heard from people who are still unable to work, study, or care for their dependents.

“We believe that the term” long covid “is used as a capsule for multiple syndromes, and in some cases up to four syndromes.

“And I believe that the lack of distinction between these syndromes may explain the challenges people face in accessing services in belief.

“Some people experience the symptoms of classic post-severe illness, while others experience fatigue and brain fog in a manner consistent with post-viral fatigue syndrome.

Frontline work on the fight against coronavirus at Royal Papworth Hospital
(Image: Getty Images)

“Some people have clear evidence of permanent organ damage caused by the virus, especially lung and heart damage.

“But an important group has debilitating symptoms that don’t fit into any of these three categories. They describe roller coasters with symptoms that move around the body.”

She added that for some people there are “real” psychological and mental health problems, including anxiety and depression.

She added that understanding the differences between the syndromes is essential to help the patient recover.

She said she needed to gently close the knowledge gap about the ongoing impacts so that people could get the best support.

“It’s likely that the number of people with long covids will increase in the coming months,” she added.

“People who have not received a definite diagnosis told us that they are often not believed by medical services.

“A person who has been diagnosed and is not always recognized in other parts of the service.

“Last week, a person diagnosed with a long Covid by the GP was said to have called an ambulance for new symptoms, fainting and dizziness in the seventh month (of illness). An ambulance was attributed to a panic attack. Said the crew. ”

She added that some people with mild infections may have worse ongoing symptoms than those with the most serious illnesses.

“Some people have never been supported or tested in a hospital and have no record of being infected with Covid. Except for their medical history, they may be far more suffering than those who have been ventilated for 21 days. There is sex. ” ..

And some people in the intensive care unit had no ongoing symptoms, she added.
Dr. Maxwell goes on to say: “The reason I don’t like the term (long covid) is because I think it’s too vague.

“Long distance is an American term, and we recognize that long covids tend to be British.

“And what everyone has in common is that they are experiencing a debilitating system over the long term.

“But our point is that there is a subdivision in it, and using one comprehensive term loses the distinction. This is given to people, not just research. It also affects the advice. ”


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