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Study: No big difference between popular meals


When choosing from popular meals, patients can choose what they like. Diets all result in modest weight loss, and those differences generally disappear in 12 months, scientists said.

A meta-analysis of 121 randomized clinical trials comparing 14 popular diets found that Atkins (5.5 kg, 5.1 mm Hg systolic) was the top three in 6-month average weight loss and blood pressure reduction. Was. Zone (4.1 kg, 3.5 mm Hg); DASH (3.6 kg, 4.7 mm Hg) reported Dr. Bradley Johnston and colleague マ ク at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario.

However, as shown in the online survey BMJOther popular diets were associated with some weight loss and improved blood pressure at 6 months, weighing 2-3 kg and systolic blood pressure on the order of 3-4 mm Hg.

The team stated that by 12 months the impact had decreased to a negligible level.

Popular diets were not associated with a significant decrease in lipids, except for the Mediterranean diet, which reduced low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol by an average of 4.59 mg / dL at 6 months. Researchers said the Mediterranean diet was also notable in that this effect did not diminish in 12 months.

When the Johnston team grouped popular diets according to macronutrient patterns, there was a similar pattern in weight loss and blood pressure reduction on low-fat and low-carb diets. “The network meta-analysis showed that there were statistically significant differences between some dietary patterns, but these differences were generally small at 6 months and negligible at 12 months,” the researchers said. writing. “The same small difference between the six-month meal and the smaller and more uncertain difference of the twelve months applies to common named meals.”

The results suggest that health care providers can advise patients to choose a diet based on personal preferences, the researchers said. “Dietary habits … they generally range from trivial to small, and people choose their favorite diet without worrying about the size of the benefits available. Means you can do it. “

Write with a companion editorialHelen Truby, PhD, and Terry Haines, PhD of Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, agreed with the researchers’ conclusions. “These different approaches will result in moderate weight loss after 6 months of macronutrient composition,” wrote Truby and Haines.

“A wide range of popular diets analyzed offers a choice, but there is no clear winner,” the editor added. “Thus, conversations need to move away from specific dietary choices and focus on the best ways to maintain the weight loss achieved.”

Maintaining weight loss included incorporating weight monitoring and physical activity into daily life, and Torby and Haynes continued. “Therefore, after the initial weight loss period, narratives need to change from quantifying weight loss to maintaining the health benefits associated with lower weight through long-term improvements in diet and activity options.” There is. “

Systematic review and meta-analysis included 121 randomized clinical trials enrolling overweight adults (age 18 and older) (Body Mass Index) [BMI] 25-29) or obesity (BMI ≥30) has been changed to a common named or alternative diet. The study included a total of 21,942 participants.

Key results of the analysis included changes in body weight, LDL and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, systolic blood pressure, and diastolic blood pressure.

Two review authors independently extract data on study participants, interventions, and outcomes and use the GRADE (recommendation evaluation, evaluation, development, and evaluation) approach to assess risk of bias and certainty of evidence. I evaluated. In addition, the researchers used the Bayesian framework and a series of random-effects network meta-analyses to estimate the relative effectiveness of diet.

According to Johnston and co-authors, a major limitation of the analysis was that participants were not generally reported in their trials to be on a diet. “If this is the case, our results explain what is likely to happen with average patient adherence,” the team wrote. “Complete adherence will probably have a greater impact on weight loss and improving cardiovascular risk factors. If weight loss achieved at 6 months continues in 12 months, cardiovascular risk factors will continue to improve Is uncertain, and future research has been able to usefully explore ways to achieve longer-term adherence to diet. “


Johnston will provide funding from Texas A & M Agrilife Research to support researchers initiating research related to saturated and polyunsaturated fats, and internationally accepted GRADE (Grade Recommendations, Ratings) , Development, and evaluation) and AGREE (evaluation of guidelines for research and evaluation) guideline criteria. Co-authors reported various relationships with Mitacs Canada, ILSI, Cornerstone Research Group, Dalhousie University, and Sanofi Canada.

Torby and Haynes reported no financial relationship with the commercial company. Other interests include funding from the National Health and Medical Research Council, the Victorian Cancer Service, and various charitable trusts.

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