CDC report on masks, COVID-19 test misinterpreted
Claim: CDC reports show that mask wearers are more likely to be infected with COVID-19.
More than 6 months have passed since the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Recommendation Americans wear face masks in public to combat the COVID-19 epidemic.
However, some Internet users continue to question the effectiveness of covering their faces.
For example, a Facebook post uses weekly graphs of CDC morbidity and mortality to show that masks actually increase the risk of being infected with COVID-19. One data point is highlighted that 70.6% of COVID-19-positive patients self-reported that they “always” wear masks.
“This evidence suggests that masks help infect people who actually wear them,” the post reads.
another Position The data says, “People wearing masks are actually” collecting “the virus in the mask. The suspended particles are absorbed by the mask and stay on the face rather than dissipate. “
The user behind the post (both shared thousands of times) did not respond to a comment request from USA TODAY.
More:Fact Check: What’s True and What’s Wrong with Coronavirus?
It is reported that wearing a mask can stop the virus and slow its spread.
Post charts are legal and CDC Weekly morbidity and mortality reports However, both charts and reports support very different conclusions than Facebook posts.
The report analyzed the characteristics of 314 symptomatic adults who tested positive and negative for SARS-CoV-2 between July 1st and 29th.
Of those 314 patients, 154 are positive and are referred to as “case patients” on the chart. Another 160 are negative and are called “control patients” on the chart.
As the post claims, it is true that 70.6% of “case patients” self-reported that they always wear masks.However, a higher percentage of “control patients” Absent 74.2% contract for viruses that are self-reported and always wear masks. This suggests that wearing a mask may have helped stop the virus.
Another reason why both percentages are so high is that the majority of study participants (226 out of 314 patients, or 72%) reported wearing masks “always”. Due to their widespread use, their effects are difficult to detect.
Conversely, in this study, only 11 patients reported that they had “never worn” the mask. Therefore, it was guaranteed that the percentage of people who tested positive and had never worn a mask was low. It was 3.9%, compared to 3.1% of those who tested negative.
Close contact, public activities
The report found that close contact with individuals with known COVID-19 was a major risk factor. More than 40% of “case patients” who tested positive were in close contact with the infected, compared with only 14% of “control patients”.
Based on that statistic, the report will take “additional precautions” to reduce the infection, such as “wear gloves and wear a mask” for anyone in close contact with the infected person. It is recommended.
The report also revealed that participation in public activities that prevent the use of masks (such as eating and drinking) is a risk factor and further supports the importance of masks.
“Use of masks and exposures and activities that make it difficult to maintain social distance, including going to places where food and drink are provided in the field, may be important risk factors for SARS-CoV-2 infection. “It reads.
Fact check:White House reporters wear masks on the premises.Otherwise the claiming post is incorrect
Does the mask collect particles or exacerbate the risk of getting COVID?
There is nothing in the report to support the claim that masks collect virus particles or increase the number of patients. You may be infected with COVID-19.
Wesley Self, one of the lead authors of the study and a professor at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Health feedback “There is no data showing that wearing a mask increases the risk of COVID-19.”
Texas A & M University-Texarkana virologist Ben Neuman wrote in one of the posts. PolitiFact, And concluded, “There is no indication in this (report) that wearing a mask is associated with more coronaviruses.”
“Honestly, I don’t even know how that will be possible,” he said.
Fact Check: What’s Right and What’s wrong with the face mask?
actually, Numerous studies Wearing a mask has been shown to slow the spread of the coronavirus.
This is because COVID-19 spreads primarily through respiratory droplets. The mask provides a simple barrier to prevent respiratory droplets from moving into the air or to others when an infected individual coughs, sneezes, or talks. CDC..
Masks are most effective when widely used in public places.
Our rating: False
Based on our research, according to a study by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the claim that mask wearers are more likely to be infected with COVID-19 is false. The report actually supports the effectiveness of masks that slow the spread of coronavirus. Many other studies have confirmed that conclusion.
Fact check source:
- USA TODAY, April 3rd Trump: The CDC recommends the public to voluntarily use face masks to stop the spread of the coronavirus.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, September 11 Weekly morbidity and mortality reports
- Health feedback, As viral social media posts claim, the use of masks does not lead to a higher risk of COVID-19
- PolitiFact, October 13th No, the mask does not collect coronavirus
- The Wall Street Journal, August 13 The face mask is really important. There is increasing scientific evidence.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, August 7 Consideration for wearing a mask
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Our fact checking work is partially supported by a grant from Facebook.
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